Tag Archives: public safety

Legislature approves initiative restoring police pursuits, plus 2 other initiatives

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers March 7, 2024. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

This year’s 60-day legislative session is on track to end later today. During the past two days, the Legislature approved final versions of the state supplemental operating, capital and transportation budgets. These spending plans make adjustments to the original two-year budgets enacted by the Legislature last spring. There is more information about the three budgets later in this e-newsletter.

Last Monday, a very historic event happened when the Legislature passed three initiatives that were sent to us in January.

I-2113 – restoring police pursuits

The Senate voted 36-13 to pass Initiative 2113, which would fully restore the ability of Washington police officers to engage in vehicular pursuits. The House then approved it 77-20.

I-2113 is a major step toward making Washington communities safer and reversing the growing crime problem in Washington.

Among the many problems plaguing Washington now, crime is perhaps the greatest concern for citizens and communities. In fact, our state has reached a crisis point because of skyrocketing crime.

Thanks to state laws like the one passed by majority Democrats in 2021 that placed tight limits on when law-enforcement officers can engage in vehicle pursuits of suspects, criminals have become more emboldened. They are acting in a more brazen manner as they commit crimes. The result is many people throughout Washington have been victims of auto theft, retail theft, burglary and other property crimes. Making matters worse, many auto thieves use the stolen vehicles to smash into “pot shops” to steal cash, or use these cars as battering rams to break into other stores to steal merchandise.

Fortunately, once I-2113 goes into effect on June 6, law-enforcement officers will once again be able to pursue suspects instead of helplessly watching them drive away.

According to the Washington State Patrol, between 2014 and 2020 an average of 1,200 suspects per year fled from police. In 2022, after the pursuit standard was changed to probable cause, 3,100 suspects fled — an increase of more than 150%. Before the change in the pursuit law, the statewide record for stolen cars in a single year was 30,000. That record increased to nearly 47,000 stolen vehicles in 2022. Washington is now fourth in the U.S. for auto thefts per capita.

As I noted during my floor speech in favor of this initiative, it’s not only the owner of the vehicle that suffers, it’s the victims of all the crimes that are committed with these stolen vehicles. Some of these crimes have led to the deaths of our citizens.

Many sheriffs and police chiefs throughout Washington have voiced their frustration about the tighter pursuit restrictions, to little avail. Although the Legislature last year passed a law restoring some ability for law-enforcement officers to pursue suspects, it was still far short of the pre-2021 police-pursuit policy. It is good to see that the state’s police pursuit law will return to where it was thanks to I-2113.

Several articles were published by Spokane-area media outlets about the Legislature passing I-2113, including stories by the Washington State Standard/Spokane Radio, KXLY-TV , KHQ-TV and Seattle-based Crosscut.

The other two initiatives that were approved by the Legislature on Monday are:

  • Initiative 2081, which would give parents the right to review K-12 instructional materials and require parental notification of school-provided medical services. It was passed by the Senate 49-0. The House later approved it 82-15.
  • Initiative 2111, which would ban any state or local income tax in Washington. The Senate approved I-2111 on a 38-11 vote. The House then passed it 76-21.

I voted for all three measures. As is the case with I-2113, Initiative 2081 and Initiative 2111 will go into effect June 6.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of representing you in Olympia!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Legislature takes no action on three other initiatives

The Olympics appear to the north during a recent sunny morning at the Capitol.

The other three initiatives sent to the Legislature this session will not be passed by the Legislature before we adjourn and go home. They are:

  • I-2109, which would repeal the state capital-gains income tax that was passed by the Democrat-controlled Legislature in 2021.
  • I-2117, which would repeal the state’s costly climate policy that was enacted by majority Democrats in 2021 and took full effect early last year.
  • I-2124 , which would allow individuals to opt out of the mandatory payroll tax for the state-run long-term care program called “WA Cares.”

These three initiatives did not even receive public hearings this session, which was very disappointing. Had they reached the Senate floor for votes, I would have voted for each of them.

Since the Legislature did not pass these three initiatives this session, they automatically will be placed on the statewide ballot this fall for Washington voters to decide.

4th District projects funded in supplemental capital budget

The Legislature on Wednesday unanimously approved the compromise version of this year’s supplemental state capital budget. As was the case with the Senate version of the capital budget, this final version includes funding for several projects in the 4th District:

  • $975,000 to help with the recovery from last summer’s Oregon Road wildfire near the community of Elk, as well as the Gray fire near Medical Lake. The wildfire-recovery effort will be administered by the Spokane Conservation District.
  • $4.8 million to replace the boiler at the Kaiser Aluminum plant in Spokane Valley. This is about meeting state emission requirements, so this funding is a huge plus for Kaiser and its over 1,100 workers. Kaiser is matching the capital budget funds.
  • $2 million for Seven Nations Healing Lodge youth expansion.
  • $1 million for Broadway Senior Housing.
  • $300,000 in phase two funding for Spokane Scale House Market in Spokane Valley. The 2023-25 budget included $750,000 for Spokane Scale House Market, located at Spokane Conservation District.
  • $258,000 for a playground at The Intersection Preschool and Childcare on North McDonald Road.
  • $150,000 for the city of Spokane Valley Cross Country Course.
  • $32,000 for the West Valley Centennial Middle School baseball field’s fences and dugout.

It’s good to see taxpayers’ money coming back as investments in local projects.

Supplemental transportation budget includes 4th District projects

Earlier today, the Legislature passed this year’s state supplemental transportation budget. I voted for this budget, as it provides funding for several projects in the 4th District, including:

  • $24 million for improvements to Interstate 90 improvements to interchanges and nearby roads.
  • $10.4 million for Spokane Transit Authority’s Argonne Station park-and-ride.
  • $10.348 million for corridor design work on an Interstate 90 project between Sullivan Road and the Idaho state line.
  • $6 million for the Barker Road/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad grade separation project.
  • $6 million for the Bigelow Gulch/Forker Road realignment project.
  • $5.8 million for the Millwood Trail project from Spokane Community College to Fancher Road. The overall plan is to eventually connect this new trail with the trail that starts just north of the West Valley High School sports fields in Millwood and then to the Centennial Trail.

Supplemental operating budget funds training for corrections officers

The Legislature today also approved the state supplemental operating budget. It provides funding to expand the state Corrections Academy so it can add additional classes. I’m working with state officials so that part of that funding can go to the new Spokane County Sheriff Regional Training Center, near Fairchild Air Force Base.

Legislature keeps Padden policy in bill passed to combat impaired driving

At a time when traffic deaths in Washington have reached their highest point in over 30 years, the Legislature took a major step toward addressing this serious problem last night by passing House Bill 1493, a measure that would combat impaired driving.

The passage of this bill is a major step toward making our roads and highways safer. It includes provisions that will keep more repeat impaired drivers off the road.   

HB 1493 includes policy that I have proposed the past four years. An amendment approved by the Senate last week added language from Senate Bill 5032, a measure that I introduced that would expand the period for reviewing prior convictions of impaired driving to 15 years, from the 10 years now in state law, when determining whether a new offense of impaired driving is charged as a felony.

The policy language from SB 5032 that is now part of HB 1493 also would increase the penalty to a felony offense, rather than a gross misdemeanor, for any person who has three or more prior DUI offenses within that “lookback” period.

Washington has seen a significant increase in traffic deaths over the past few years. Drunken driving and drug-impaired driving, especially by repeat offenders, are two leading causes. House Bill 1493 will help remove the most dangerous drivers from our roads and highways and get them into treatment or they will be held accountable by the state criminal justice system. This bill provides good balance, as it is strong on treatment while also being strong on accountability.

Many traffic fatalities in the state involve drivers who have had as many as eight DUI offenses, but the current 10-year lookback period is not long enough to allow the state to impose stronger punishment against such offenders.

According to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, there were 740 traffic deaths in the state in 2022 (the highest in over 30 years), including 389 fatalities involving drug- or alcohol-impaired driving. There were 674 traffic deaths in 2021, including 345 fatalities involving impaired driving. In 2020, Washington had 574 traffic fatalities, including 282 involving impaired driving.

The final version of the impaired driving measure, HB 1493, was passed last night by the House on a 69-27 vote. The Senate approved it 49-0 on February 29. It now goes to Governor Jay Inslee for final consideration.

Legislature OKs pollinator bill requested by Mount Spokane HS student

Last fall, Mount Spokane High School student Julia Costello approached me about helping her with part of her pollinator project, which she has been doing to earn a major Girl Scout award.

What began as her request became Senate Bill 5934, a bipartisan measure to promote the use of pollinator-friendly shrubs or bushes in landscaping. It was passed by the Legislature this week and now goes to the governor for final consideration.

Pollinators, including bees and butterflies, play a very important role in the pollination of crops, contributing to the production of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Seventy-five percent of the world’s food supply depends on pollinators. They play a vital role in sustaining agriculture.  Taking steps to protect and enhance pollinators is very important to both agriculture and the environment.

It was an honor to work with Julia on this bill and to help her as she works to finish requirements to earn the Gold Award, which is equivalent to earning the Eagle Scout award as a Boy Scout. One of Julia’s Gold Award requirements is working with a legislator on sponsoring a bill. Julia made a strong case why improving pollinators’ habitat is important and beneficial.  I’m pleased the Legislature has passed her bill.

Julia’s testimony in favor of the bill during its public hearing before the House Local Government Committee last month can be viewed here.  

Spokane Conservation District Director Vicki Carter sent a letter to Padden in January in support of the proposal. Part of Carter’s letter reads: “Pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other insects, play a fundamental role in the pollination of crops, contributing to the production of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Their vital role in sustaining agriculture cannot be overstated, as approximately 75% of the world’s food crops depend on pollinators for successful reproduction. Therefore, taking steps to protect and enhance pollinator populations is essential for ensuring food security and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.”

Under the bill, a local government may encourage but need not require applicants for project or commercial-building permits to include pollinator-friendly plants in any landscaped area. 

Legislature OKs second Padden bill removing red tape from construction of smaller condominiums

For the second year in a row, the Legislature has unanimously approved a bill of mine that helps encourage home ownership in Washington by making it easier to construct smaller condominium buildings. It now goes to the governor.

Senate Bill 5792 would exclude buildings with 12 or fewer units that are no more than three stories high from the definition of “multiunit residential building” if one story is utilized for above- or below-ground parking or retail space.

This bill builds on last year’s efforts to have more housing options for Washington’s middle class. The law created last year by Senate Bill 5058 exempts buildings with 12 or fewer units that are no more than two stories high from the definition of “multiunit residential building.”

When SB 5792 received a public hearing in the House Housing Committee last month, Spokane Valley Mayor Pam Haley and an official with the Building Industry Association of Washington testified in favor of it. During its public hearing in the Senate Law and Justice Committee early this session, Spokane City Council President Betsy Wilkerson and Spokane Valley City Council Deputy Mayor Rod Higgins testified in support of the bill.

Condominiums provide an affordable path to homeownership for first-time homebuyers. The combination of SB 5058 and this year’s new bill should result in more homeownership in our state. Washington has one of the lower homeownership rates in the nation, and both SB 5792 and last year’s condo-building law can help our state address this problem. These smaller condominiums would still have the same building requirements that a townhouse or single-family house would have. 

Farewell to ‘Team Padden’ this year

A big thank-you goes to my Senate office staff this session for all of its terrific work, especially in responding to constituents’ emails and phone calls. Earlier this week, we gathered at my Senate floor desk for a group photo. From left to right are legislative assistant Annalise Hemingway, session assistant Ethan Mettlin and session intern Vandee Pannkuk. Annalise will continue as my legislative assistant and will work in our 4th District office during the interim months.  

Starting Wednesday, March 13, we will be back in the district office. The phone number is 509-921-2460. The office address is 5105 E. Third Ave., Ste. 102, Spokane Valley, WA 99212.  

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Padden applauds Senate’s passage of initiative restoring police pursuits

The Senate’s 36-13 passage today of Initiative 2113, which would restore police pursuits in Washington, is a major step toward making Washington communities safer, said 4th District Sen. Mike Padden.

Padden, the Republican leader on the Senate Law and Justice Committee, said I-2113 would help reverse the growing crime problem in Washington.

“Among the many problems plaguing Washington now, crime is perhaps the greatest concern for citizens and communities throughout our state,” said Padden, R-Spokane Valley. “In fact, we have reached a crisis point in our state because of skyrocketing crime.

“Thanks to recent state laws that restrict law-enforcement officers and weaken public safety, criminals have become more emboldened. They are acting in a more brazen manner as they commit crimes. The result is many people throughout Washington have been victims of auto theft, retail theft, burglary and other property crimes. Making matters worse, many auto thieves use their stolen vehicles to smash into ‘pot shops’ to steal cash, or they use these cars as battering rams to break into other stores to steal merchandise.

“The crime spike here in Washington has a strong connection to a recent law enacted by majority Democrats that placed tight limits on when law-enforcement officers can engage in vehicle pursuits of suspects. Fortunately, if and when Initiative 2113 is enacted by the Legislature and becomes law in early June, law-enforcement officers will once again be able to pursue suspects instead of helplessly watching them drive away,” added Padden.

According to the Washington State Patrol, between 2014 and 2020 an average of 1,200 suspects per year fled from police. In 2022, after the pursuit standard was changed to probable cause, 3,100 suspects fled — an increase of more than 150%. Before the change in the pursuit law, the statewide record for stolen cars in a single year was 30,000. That record increased to nearly 47,000 stolen vehicles in 2022. Washington is now fourth in the U.S. for auto thefts per capita.

“It’s not only the owner of the vehicle that suffers as the victim, it’s all the crimes that are committed with these stolen vehicles. Some of these crimes have led to the deaths of our citizens,” said Padden during his floor speech in favor of the initiative.

Padden said many sheriffs and police chiefs throughout Washington have voiced their frustration about the tighter pursuit restrictions, to little avail. The senator added that the Legislature last year passed a law restoring some ability for law-enforcement officers to pursue suspects, but it still is far short of the pre-2021 police-pursuit policy.

“We can take a major step right here, right now, to protect public safety, to protect our citizens and our constituents. It isn’t going to solve all of our problems, but it’s going to go a long way to make law enforcement better able to do their jobs,” Padden told senators during his floor speech.

All 20 Senate Republicans were joined by 16 Democrats in voting for I-2113 today.

“It was encouraging to see most of our Democratic colleagues join us in voting for this important initiative. I’m hopeful we’ll see an equally strong bipartisan vote in favor of I-2113 when the House considers it,” said Padden, R-Spokane Valley.

The House of Representatives is expected to vote on I-2113 later today. If the Legislature approves I-2113, it would go into effect June 6.

When the Senate Law and Justice Committee and the House Community Safety, Justice, and Reentry Committee held a joint public hearing on I-2113 last week, 5,961 people signed up to testify, either in person or via written testimony. Of that total, 5,752 (96.49%) supported the initiative.

“The overwhelming majority of people who signed up in favor of I-2113 is a very clear sign that Washingtonians want to see police pursuits restored. They want safer communities instead of rising crime and lawlessness,” said Padden.

The 2024 legislative session is scheduled to end Thursday.


Governor’s rosy state-of-the-state speech defies reality

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers January 18, 2024. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

The 2024 legislative session has entered its second week. After the full Senate gathered on January 8 for its opening-day ceremonies and to swear in a new senator, our focus has shifted to committee meetings in which bills receive public hearings, allowing us to learn about these proposals and to listen to people testify either in support or opposition to them.

This initial “committee phase” of the 60-day session will last a few more weeks, as Senate policy committees face a January 31 deadline to pass bills originating in the Senate and the Senate fiscal committees (Transportation, and Ways and Means, which oversees the operating budget and any bills requiring state funding) have a February 5 cutoff for Senate bills sent to either panel.

The 2024 session cutoff calendar is here.

The most significant news story from the opening week was Governor Inslee’s annual “state of the state” speech before a joint legislative session. Because the governor announced he is not seeking re-election this year, it’s very possible this was the last time he addressed the full Legislature.

As you might expect, Inslee used his speech to tout what he believes are accomplishments under his watch these past dozen or so years. In fact, early on he said, “I’m happy to report we have been, we are, and we will always be the strongest state in the nation,” adding “in fact, the state of our state is stronger than ever.”

15th District Senator Nikki Torres gave the Republican response to Governor Inslee’s state-of-the-state speech last week. 

However, his rosy comments about the state differ from the current reality. During her Republican response to the governor’s speech, my colleague, 15th District Senator Nikki Torres of Pasco, painted a much different view of our state – and she cast blame on the governor and Democrat legislators for some of Washington’s problems. 

“The state of our state is strong thanks to the hard work, heart and spirit of the people of Washington,” Senator Torres said at the start of her response. “But on a number of important issues, our government has let our great people down. Under one-party rule in Olympia, our state has become less safe, less affordable, and in far too many ways, we are failing our children.”

Senator Torres is absolutely correct. Our state has serious problems that have resulted from bad laws passed by the Democrats and signed by Inslee. 

You may view her speech here.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email. 

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Democrats’ costly property-tax hike bill to receive hearing this afternoon

The John A. Cherberg Building, where the Senate Ways and Means Committee holds its meetings.

One of the worst and most costly bills of this session is scheduled to receive a public hearing later today. 

Senate Bill 5770 is the Senate Democrats’ very costly and long-term property-tax increase proposal. SB 5770 is scheduled for a public hearing today at 4 p.m. in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. The committee meeting is in Senate Hearing Room 4 of the John A. Cherberg Building on the Capitol campus.

If you oppose this bill, you can sign in opposition, submit written testimony or testify in person or via Zoom. If you want to watch the public hearing on this costly proposal but don’t have TVW among your channels, go to tvw.org to watch it online.

Go here to see the list of sponsors.

As introduced, Senate Bill 5770 would triple the growth rate of annual property tax collections for local governments in Washington. Governments currently can collect 1% more annually in property tax, plus any revenues attributable to the value of new construction, without having to seek voter approval. This proposal would change that increase from 1% to 3%. The state Department of Revenue has estimated that the proposed substitute version of SB 5770 would increase taxes by a whopping $7 billion over the next 10 years, with the compounding effect of the increase continuing to escalate over time.

I will strongly oppose SB 5770 if it reaches the Senate floor this session. It is a very bad bill that should not be approved by the Legislature.

Initiative on police pursuits sent to Legislature

The first of six initiatives expected to be sent to the Legislature this session finally has been delivered. Last Thursday, Secretary of State Steve Hobbs certified Initiative 2113, which deals with police pursuits. Hobbs, a former state senator, later that day brought the measure to the Senate for our chamber to consider.

The initiative would erase certain requirements that since 2021 have prevented law-enforcement officers from initiating a chase unless they suspect someone has committed certain crimes, including a violent offense or driving while impaired.

I-2113 which received more than 400,000 signatures from registered Washington voters, according to the initiative sponsors, has been referred to the Senate Law and Justice Committee for consideration. Legislators have three options with initiatives to the Legislature: 1) adopt the initiative as written, in which case it becomes law; 2) refuse to pass it, which would result in the measure automatically being placed on the statewide ballot next fall; 3) propose and approve an alternative initiative, in which case both the original initiative and the alternative would both appear together on the fall statewide ballot.    

Go here to read the Spokesman-Review’s story on I-2113 going to the Legislature late last week.

Last year, I introduced bipartisan legislation (Senate Bill 5034) that would restore the ability of law-enforcement officers to engage in a vehicular pursuit. The bill is in the Senate Law and Justice Committee.    

This session, 2nd District Senator Jim McCune, R-Graham, has introduced Senate Bill 6133, which aims to protect the state’s 1,000-plus cannabis retailers, many of which have been the targets of violent robberies, smash and grabs, assaults and other crimes. “Pot shops” often are targeted for robberies by “Kia Boys,” juveniles and young adults who take advantage of the state’s weak police-pursuit laws. One such robbery occurred last year at a local cannabis shop near the Idaho border. SB 6133 is in the Senate Law and Justice Committee, but no public hearing has been scheduled. January 31 is the last day for the committee to pass the bill. 

Two Padden bills receive hearings

Senator Padden testifies before the Senate Transportation Committee on Senate Bill 5791, his proposal that aims to reduce impaired driving.

Among the many bills that have already received public hearings in the Senate committees were two measures I have introduced for this session.

Senate Bill 5791 was brought before the Senate Transportation Committee last week on Tuesday. It aims to help reduce impaired driving on our roads and highways. SB 5791 calls for the Washington State Patrol to establish a pilot program to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of oral fluid roadside information used as part of the enforcement of impaired-driving laws.   

During its public hearing in Transportation, many people testified in favor of the proposal. Among those in support were the Washington State Patrol, Chuck DeWeese with the National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving, Christopher Kirby of the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute and Ashley Bonus with Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

TVW’s coverage of the SB 5791 public hearing is available for viewing here.

My other bill that received a hearing last week is Senate Bill 5934, which was reviewed by the Senate Local Government, Land Use and Tribal Affairs Committee last Thursday.

Mount Spokane High School senior Julia Costello approached me about sponsoring this bill. Julia is a Girl Scout working to complete the requirements to earn the Gold Award, which is equivalent to earning the Eagle Scout award as a Boy Scout. One of Julia’s Gold Award requirements is working with a legislator on sponsoring a bill. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with her; Julia’s testimony in favor of the bill can be viewed here.

The goal of this proposal is to increase habitat for pollinators by increasing the use of the many types of shrubs or bushes that are good for pollinators. Watch TVW’s coverage of my testimony on the bill here.

Central Valley High School observes Americans of Chinese Descent History Month, created by new state law

One of the bills passed by the Legislature last year was Senate Bill 5000, which recognizes contributions of Americans of Chinese descent. I voted for SB 5000 when it passed the Senate. This new law designates January as Americans of Chinese Descent History Month and encourages (but does not require) public schools to designate time for appropriate activities in commemoration of this monthlong event. I’m pleased that Central Valley School District Superintendent John Parker supports this new law and has worked with his school district to observe Americans of Chinese Descent History Month. This photo shows a display of books and other items that have ties to China or Chinese Americans. The display is in Central Valley High School.     

Last January, Central Valley High School student Lucy He received a legislative certificate of appreciation for winning the Chinese American History Month national essay contest.

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Senate passes Padden bill to keep repeat property offenders behind bars longer

A bill from 4th District Sen. Mike Padden that could keep repeat property offenders behind bars longer was approved today by the Senate on a 38-10 vote.

Senate Bill 5056 would allow prosecutors to seek up two additional years on a sentence for first-degree robbery offenders if they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is a habitual property offender.

“We have a real crisis in the explosion of property crimes, including auto thefts, catalytic converter thefts and electric-charging equipment,” said Padden, R-Spokane Valley. “What this bill tries to do is keep habitual, repeat offenders behind bars for longer periods of time. That will decrease the property-crime rate substantially. In talking with law-enforcement officers, I’ve learned that relatively few people commit most of the crimes in this area.”

Under the measure, prosecutors can seek the special allegation if the defendant meets certain criteria related to their criminal history and recent, repeat instances of property crime.

During the Senate Law and Justice Committee’s public hearing on SB 5056 in 2023, officials with the Washington Retail Association and Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs testified in favor of the proposal.

SB 5056 now goes to the House of Representatives for further consideration.


Padden says new law-enforcement training center will increase public safety

The new law-enforcement training center near Fairchild Air Force Base will boost public safety in Spokane County, says a key legislator on crime issues.

State Sen. Mike Padden, the Republican leader on the Senate Law and Justice Committee, will attend and speak at today’s grand-opening ceremony for the new training center.

“This new training center is a state-of-the-art facility,” said Padden, R-Spokane Valley. “It will enhance public safety for everyone in Spokane County – officers and citizens alike.”

Padden, who serves the 4th Legislative District, said the new training center is the result of a joint effort between the U.S. Air Force and Spokane County.

“I commend the Air Force and Spokane County for their wonderful job of planning, funding and constructing this outstanding facility,” said Padden.

Padden mentioned it will be used by several law-enforcement agencies in the area, including officers with the Spokane Valley Police Department and the county sheriff’s staff who serve in unincorporated areas.

“This new facility will allow us to train more law-enforcement personnel in our region,” said Padden, who noted Washington ranks last among all states for the number of law-enforcement officers per capita. “It will greatly reduce the backlog for training officers across the state.

“It’s encouraging to know that the vast majority of law-enforcement officers in the 4th Legislative District will train at this new center,” added Padden.

Seattle already has passed 2022 homicide total – with three months left

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers September 28, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

In recent years, a glaring example of how our state’s crime problem has worsened is the rise in homicides in Seattle and King County.

On Monday, a story published by The Seattle Times shows the homicide problem in Washington’s largest city is especially bad this year. This section is especially noteworthy:

There have been 114 homicides committed in King County as of Friday, when two men were killed in separate Seattle incidents, according to a Seattle Times database. That’s five deaths shy of the 119 homicides investigated in both 2021 and 2022.

This year’s tally has exceeded the county’s 113 homicides in 2020 — a figure that was up from 73 the year before.

Exactly half of this year’s killings have occurred in Seattle, which has totaled 57 homicides, including Friday’s Belltown and Columbia City killings, according to The Times’ database, which is compiled with preliminary information from police, prosecutors and the King County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Seattle police investigated 33 homicides in 2019, 53 in 2020, 41 in 2021 and 54 in 2022, according to The Times’ data. With more than three months left in the year, it’s conceivable the city could break its 1994 record of 69 homicides in a single year.

“It’s a concerning trend,” Dan Clark, a King County chief criminal deputy prosecutor, said of 2023’s homicide count. “We all had anticipated that as we were coming out of the pandemic, some of these disturbing numbers would drop and we haven’t seen that so far.”

As in recent years, this year’s homicides span the gamut of gang-related shootings, domestic-violence killings, violence in homeless encampments, road rage, drug- and prostitution-related killings, and homicides resulting from drug use or mental health crises.

The high – and likely record-breaking – number of homicides in our state’s most populous county is cause for concern. While there are several likely causes for the high number of King County homicides, a few that immediately come to mind are: 1) the decline in the number of police officers in Seattle and other King County communities, which makes it harder to maintain law and order in these communities; 2) the relaxing of state law by Democratic majorities in the Legislature that limited law-enforcement officers’ ability to pursue suspects; and 3) the Legislature weakened state drug-possession laws a couple of years ago, which resulted in such a notable increase in drug-overdose deaths that Washington now leads the U.S. in both drug-overdose deaths and the percentage increase in drug-overdose deaths.

The weakening of Washington’s drug-possession law in 2021 probably has been a factor in crimes in our state. The Democrat-controlled Legislature this year passed a law increasing the penalty for drug possession from a misdemeanor to what is functionally a hybrid of a misdemeanor and a gross misdemeanor. But many opponents of this new law, myself included, believe it needed to provide tougher punishment so drug offenders would be more willing to undergo treatment to avoid more jail time. People need to be held accountable when they break laws. When lawbreakers are in jail or prison, they aren’t hurting society. 

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Litter becomes greater problem in WA

Washington has become a national leader in several unwanted categories over the years, from ranking first in the U.S. for drug-overdose deaths to currently having the third-highest gasoline prices in America after briefly having the most expensive gas in the country. Our state also has the lowest number of law-enforcement officers per capita of all states (plus the District of Columbia), a key factor why Washington has experienced a steady and disturbing rise in crime. 

We can add litter to this dubious list for Washington.

The (Tacoma) News Tribune last week reported our state has ranked above the national average with litter on roadways and public areas, according to a recent study.

Here are interesting snippets from The News Tribune story:

  • The national average is 5,714 pieces of litter per mile according to a 2020 nationwide study. Washington state clocked in at 8,112 pieces per mile according to the statewide litter study commissioned in 2022 by the Washington State Department of Ecology that was released Monday, although the agency said they are unsure why there is significantly more litter in the state compared to others.
  • The Department of Ecology estimated that nearly 38 million pounds of litter accumulates every year on roads and in public areas throughout the state. That averages out to about 5 pounds of litter per resident in Washington.
  • Cigarette butts, food wrappers, snack bags, glass bottles and construction debris were named as some of the most common items found on the roadside, according to the study.
  • More than 300 traffic crashes and 30 injuries were caused by debris from unsecured loads, the Department of Ecology said. Five deaths were attributed to debris from unsecured loads.

This problem has not escaped the Legislature’s notice. In 2021, legislators and the governor approved a bipartisan bill introduced by one of my Republican colleagues, 31st District Sen. Phil Fortunato, that enhances litter control in Washington. This law prioritizes litter control along the state’s highways and requires the state Department of Ecology to contract with the Department of Transportation to schedule litter-prevention messaging and coordinate litter-emphasis patrols with the Washington State Patrol.

There has been evidence of this new anti-litter law in action, as a litter crew was spotted next to I-5 in the Tacoma area last week, and an electronic sign south of Olympia last week asked motorists and passengers to not litter.

However, the Legislature should fully implement Sen. Fortunato’s original anti-litter bill from 2021. The House had removed an important part from the original version of that measure that required the Department of Ecology to prioritize funding litter control along state highways when distributing funds to state agencies for litter control programs. The original bill should have been passed by the Legislature two years ago instead of the altered version that became law.

State flag flies over Capitol for new State Bar Association president

Ferry County resident Hunter Abell recently was chosen as the 2023-24 president of the Washington State Bar Association, which typically focuses on law and justice issues before the Legislature. At the request of a mutual friend, I contacted Secretary of State Steve Hobbs’ office in Olympia and arranged to have a Washington state flag flown over the state Capitol two weeks ago. The photo above shows that flag, as well as the certificate from Secretary Hobbs (my former Senate colleague) to Hunter that marks the occasion. 

Speaking at Oaks Academy ceremony

On September 15, I had the honor of speaking at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new $14.8 million building at The Oaks Classical Christian Academy in Spokane Valley. It was a good event that was well attended. More than 360 students attend the academy, which has a tremendous academic record and has a number of graduates who have attended some of the finest higher education institutions in the country.

Attending judicial meeting in Tumwater

Late last week, I traveled to Tumwater for the Interbranch Advisory Committee meeting at the state Supreme Court’s temporary chambers. State Supreme Court Chief Justice Steve Gonzalez provided a judicial branch update, and I joined one of my colleagues, Sen. Jamie Pedersen of Seattle, in providing a legislative update.

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the interim we are conducting business from our district office in Spokane Valley. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (509) 921-2460

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Washington now leads U.S. in drug overdose deaths

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers July 25, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

Washington now has the dubious honor of having the highest gas prices of all states in America.

Unfortunately, our state has become a national leader in another undesirable category. According to new figures from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Washington state has become the national leader in drug-overdose deaths.

What led to this? Our Democrat-controlled Legislature and its successful effort in 2021 to erase felony drug laws from the books.

Statistics show drug deaths skyrocketed in Washington state after Democratic leaders insisted on not reinstating felony penalties for the possession of hard drugs after the BLAKE decision. For the period February 2022 to February 2023 Washington saw the biggest increase in overdose fatalities anywhere in the country, a stunning 23.9 percent increase.  Overdoses of heroin, fentanyl and other hard drugs claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people across our state. This is tragic and unacceptable.

I joined three other members of the Senate Freedom Caucus in putting out a news release earlier this week that decries this terrible moment for our state. Here is part of that news release:

The new statistics from the CDC illustrate the effect of Washington’s decriminalization effort because they show the rise in drug deaths between 2022 and 2023, as the liberalized drug law took effect.

Washington lawmakers revised drug laws in 2021 after the state Supreme Court overturned felony statutes for possession of hard drugs. Majority Democrats in the Legislature chose not to fix the language in the statute, arguing that the “war on drugs” was counterproductive and racially insensitive. Instead, the Legislature reduced the crime to a misdemeanor, with penalties accruing only on the third offense. As a result, there was Defacto decriminalization.

By eliminating the threat of jail time, the law eliminated incentives for addicts to enroll in drug-treatment programs. The law also eliminated a tool used by law enforcement in sweeps of homeless camps.   

Lawmakers changed the law again this year, keeping hard-drug possession as a hybrid misdemeanor, but allowing jail time on the first offense. The new law took effect on July 1, and the effect has yet to be seen.

On Monday, I was interviewed by KVI talk-show host John Carlson on the drug-overdose increase. You can listen to the interview here.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

New report reveals that crime is increasing in Washington

This chart shows the number of murders in our state between 1980 and 2022.

Many people throughout Washington realize that crime continues to worsen in our state. The latest “Crime in Washington” report, released earlier this month by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, confirmed that crime is a growing problem. You can view the full report here. WASPC’s news release on its report is here.

The report showed that 2022 was another record year for murders in our state, with 394 homicides in 2022, an increase of 16.6% compared to 2021 and a shocking rise of 96% over 2019, when there were 201 murders in Washington.

There have been other startling increases in other crime categories since 2019: Motor vehicle theft skyrocketed 94%, robbery rose 31%, aggravated assault increased 41%, burglary went up nearly 26%, and destruction of property saw a hike of nearly 41%.

(This recent KHQ-TV story said July is National Vehicle Theft Awareness Month, and the Spokane Police Department pointed out “the Inland Northwest and the State of Washington as a whole is seeing an increase in vehicle thefts.”)

The report pointed out that Washington was last in the nation in per capita law enforcement and continued to see a decline in commissioned law-enforcement officers, falling by 70 statewide (from 10,736 in 2021 to 10,666), while the state’s population during this period has increased by 93,262.

Unless communities in our state hire more law-enforcement officers, crime likely will continue to rise in our state.

Spokesman-Review publishes op-ed on WA Cares program’s problems

Over the past several months, many 4th District constituents have reached out to me to complain about the WA Cares long-term care program, including the expensive payroll tax that funds it. After being delayed, the payroll tax became active on July 1.

On July 16, the Spokesman-Review published my guest editorial piece that points out problems with WA Cares, as well as the recent proposal by some of my Senate Republican colleagues for next session that would make WA Cares optional instead of mandatory, and, depending on when someone opted out of the program, would provide a refund on taxes already paid. You can read the guest editorial here.

It’s time to repeal law banning private prisons

On June 22, Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a notice in a pending federal court case stipulating that Washington cannot enforce the 2021 Democrat-sponsored ban on private prisons and detention centers (RCW 70.395.030).

This action recognizes the unconstitutionality of the statue. The unenforceable statute needs to be repealed. Senate Bill 5055 does that.

My news release that responds to the notice filed by the governor and attorney general can be read here.

In late June, I appeared on the Lars Larson Show to discuss this issue. You can listen to the interview with Lars here.

Kudos to East Valley High School on revamping wood and metal shops 

As a proponent of vocational classes in high schools and vocational and trade programs after high school, I was interested in a recent Spokesman-Review article that said East Valley High School “is in the middle of revamping their wood and metal shops to include updated machines and new opportunities for learning.” The story said the high school applied for a grant from the Washington Department of Commerce and received $200,000.

It’s important that people, especially those who are in high school or are college-age, have opportunities to receive enough training in vocational fields so they can earn a job in such a field and possibly make a career of it. Congratulations to East Valley High School for taking positive steps to help students who wish to take wood and metal classes.

WA does not fare well in SEL’s latest state rankings on business 

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories recently unveiled its latest “Index of Freedom,” which ranks states on a variety of business-related criteria. You can view the rankings here.

The top five scoring states were Utah (with a score of 11.53), South Dakota (11.58), North Dakota (11.97), Idaho (12.35) and Nevada (12.55). Where did Washington rank? Our state was 32nd, with a 26.78 score.

Here is what the report said about our state: “Washington suffers from a challenging regulatory climate and poor labor rates, driven by some of the most progressive prevailing wage and minimum wage laws in the nation. While Washington has been buoyed by the lack of a personal income tax, a newly implemented 7 percent capital gains tax sets a dangerous and highly irregular precedent, as the Washington State Supreme Court characterized this tax as an excise tax and not an income tax, as does the IRS and every other state in the country. This ruling opened the door for more bad tax policy in the state. On the positive side, Washington benefits from the most abundant hydroelectric power in the country, and this keeps electric power relatively cheap; any attempts to stop or lessen the use of hydro power would negatively impact the state and its standings. However, even with this important resource lifting the score, Washington remains in the bottom tier.”  

This annual report focuses on three critical variables: government efficiency, regulatory freedom, and energy resiliency. Information from this report highlights potential advantages or challenges that exist when doing business in each state.

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the interim we are conducting business from our district office in Spokane Valley. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (509) 921-2460

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Governor signs Padden bill raising penalty for custodial sexual misconduct

A bipartisan bill, sponsored by 4th District Sen. Mike Padden, that aims to impose longer sentences on sexually abusive jail and prison guards was signed today by Gov. Jay Inslee after receiving unanimous approval by the Legislature this session.

The law created by Senate Bill 5033 reclassifies the crime of first-degree custodial sexual misconduct, (in which the corrections officer has sexual intercourse with the victim) now a Class C felony, to a Class B felony with a seriousness level of VII. That calls for an initial sentence of 15 to 20 months and a high-end sentence between 7.25 years and 9.6 years. The new law, which will take effect in late July, also reclassifies second-degree custodial sexual misconduct (in which the corrections officer has sexual contact with the victim) from a gross misdemeanor to a Class C felony with a seriousness level of V, which would bring a sentencing range of six to 12 months for those with the lowest offender score and a range of six to eight years for offenders with the highest offender score.

“I’m very pleased that the governor has signed this bill after both the Senate and House unanimously passed it earlier this session,” said Padden, R-Spokane Valley. “Officers who work in jails and state correctional facilities are part of the law-enforcement community just as much as the officers who patrol our communities and investigate crimes. Like all the other people we entrust to administer justice, corrections officers must be held to a high standard, especially considering the unique level of authority they have over people in custody.”

Padden’s bill was inspired by a KING-TV investigation about a Clallam County jail guard, John Gray, who served just over a year in prison after sexually assaulting four women.

When the bill was being considered by the Senate Law and Justice Committee early this session, it was named “Kimberly Bender’s law,” in honor of the 23-year-old Quileute woman who died by suicide in her Forks jail cell in 2019 after reporting to city officials that Gray sexually harassed her. Bender’s mother, Dawn Reid, asked Padden to name the bill after her daughter.

Gray was convicted in 2021 of two felony and two misdemeanor counts of custodial sexual misconduct and served 13 months of his 20-month sentence.

Padden is ranking Republican on the Senate Law and Justice Committee.