Tag Archives: energy

Wishing you a happy, safe Fourth of July!

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers July 2, 2024. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

This Thursday, people throughout the U.S. will celebrate Independence Day – America’s birthday. It was on July 4, 1776, when the 13 American colonies formally broke away from British rule and declared that they had become a new nation: the United States of America. (Seven years later, on September 3, 1783, the U.S. and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Paris, which officially ended the American Revolution and saw Great Britain recognize the U.S. as a sovereign nation.)

As some history buffs know, the Continental Congress actually voted for independence on July 2, 1776. After several members of the Continental Congress spent two days drafting a Declaration of Independence, the Congress approved it two days later, which is why we celebrate Independence Day on July 4. 

July 4 fireworks appear over the Capitol in Olympia.

Throughout our nation’s 248 years of existence, we have experienced great triumphs and tragedies, and other highs and lows. While America continues to change in different ways (some good and some bad), we remain united by constant ideals – our love of freedom and liberty, the blending of new American citizens, and a desire to make our country even better – “a more perfect union.”

For many people, July 4 means food and fireworks. As we enjoy gathering with family and friends on the Fourth, let’s also remember why we celebrate Independence Day and why it matters. Happy birthday, America!

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email. 

Thank you, as always, for the honor of representing you in Olympia!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Pollinator-habitat workshop is a success

After weeks of planning, a pollinator-habitat workshop co-hosted by my office and the Spokane Conservation District was held June 25 at the conservation district’s headquarters.

Over 30 people attended the free event, including several who work in the landscaping or building-construction industries.

Special thanks to Spokane Conservation District Director Vicki Carter for emceeing and helping plan this event. Another big thank-you goes to the presenters at the workshop, including Katie Buckley of the state Department of Agriculture; Hannah Walker of Spokane Scape; Cathy Spokas, the city of Spokane’s landscaper; Beth Mort of Zinnia Designs; and Aubrey Hoxie of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Services.

Finally, I thank Julia Costello for attending the workshop. Julia deserves credit for asking me to sponsor legislation to enhance pollinator habitat in Washington. The result was Senate Bill 5934, which was approved by the Legislature and Governor Inslee this year and is now state law.

There is talk of hosting other pollinator-habitat workshops later this year. If such events are scheduled, information will be provided in a future e-newsletter.  

State revenue projection declining

The state Economic and Revenue Forecast Council last Wednesday adopted a second-quarter forecast that shows a $666 million revenue decline through the next two budget cycles: a drop of $477 million for the 2023-25 fiscal biennium and $189 million for the 2025-27 biennium. The decline was due mostly to a nosedive in the amount of revenue collected through the state’s tax on capital-gains income.

My colleague, Senator Lynda Wilson, who is Republican leader of the Senate Ways and Means Committee and is current chair of the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council, issued a statement last week in which she expressed concerned that the drop-off in income-tax revenue may prompt an effort from legislative Democrats to expand this tax.

Here is Senator Wilson’s statement:

“When we adopted the year’s first-quarter forecast in February, the state’s chief economist warned us to expect slow economic growth – but the economy is not to blame for this predicted drop in revenue. The change in this quarter’s forecast goes hand-in-hand with a sharp decline in the state’s capital-gains tax collections.

“In its first year the capital-gains tax took in about $800 million; here in year two the collections are on track to total about half that much. This is exactly the kind of volatility I and others predicted when the majority Democrats adopted the capital-gains tax.

“When a tax fails to bring in the anticipated level of revenue, it’s almost inevitable that someone will want to cast the net wider and capture more money. Our Democratic colleagues already proposed that idea, and we should expect they will do so again.

“The thousands of Washingtonians already subject to the capital-gains tax include people who have spent years building a business, then sell it to retire. Next thing you know, someone will suggest adding home sales to the list of things covered by the capital-gains tax, and that would hit far more people.

“I’ve said it before: The capital-gains tax doesn’t pay for anything that can’t be funded with other revenue. Our schools and other important things like access to childcare never should have been tied to such a volatile tax. Today’s forecast is proof.”

Our Democratic colleagues will have to fight their natural urge to expand a tax all to satisfy their constant craving for more money from you and other hard-working taxpayers. Republicans will be ready to stand with taxpayers if and when that time comes.

Tax credits for conversion to employee- ownership businesses now available

Last year, the Legislature and the governor approved Senate Bill 5096, which creates the Washington Employee Ownership Program at the Department of Commerce to offer technical support, and other services, to certain businesses considering certain employee-ownership structures. SB 5096 also provides a business-and-occupation tax credit for costs related to converting a qualifying business to an employee-ownership structure.

The state Department of Revenue has made that tax credit available as of yesterday (July 1). Here is DOR’s special notice about the tax credit.

Below is information I recently received from a Department of Commerce official about the upcoming tax credit:

On Monday, July 1st, the WA DOR will go live with the implementation of the tax incentive credit. It will be a very simple process using their existing portal, similar to other tax credits already in place. The DOR team anticipates that the process may take up to 60 days from the submission of the application to DOR issuing the tax credit. I am also enclosing a sample of the notice that businesses will receive via a notification in their portal accounts once the credit is issued.

On our end, our program webpage will also be live on Monday, July 1st. There is a section on this page that will talk about the tax credit and provide links to DOR. DOR will also provide a link to our page. http://www.commerce.wa.gov/eop and http://www.commerce.wa.gov/eop-commission

DOR and Commerce will continue to work together in identifying technical assistance needs for businesses and collaborating on troubleshooting if and when unexpected gaps or questions arise.

Senate Bill 5096 also created a state Employee Ownership Program Commission to oversee the program. I’m honored to be a member of this commission. Other commission members include Joey Nestegard of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories. The EOP Commission’s next meeting is July 22.  

A full-time Legislature? No thanks.

An empty Senate chamber.

The Spokesman-Review last week published an excellent guest editorial by former state legislator Mark Harmsworth that is worth a read. Harmsworth, now with the Washington Policy Center, focused on a recent poll by the left-leaning Northwest Progressive Institute that claimed 59% of likely voters favor seeing Washington’s Legislature meet year-round. As all of you know, under the state constitution our Legislature meets for 105-day sessions in odd-numbered years and for 60-day sessions in even-numbered years, with the option of meeting in special session if necessary.

What the NPI poll failed to point out is the much higher cost that would be associated with a full-time, year-round Legislature.

Harmsworth’s opinion piece noted that on average, the cost to taxpayers for each of our part-time Washington legislators amount to $112,000 annually when salary, per-diem, medical/dental and pension benefits are included. That works out at $123 per hour based on the 60-105 day sessions. Moving to a full-time Legislature could more than triple that salary.

As someone who has served a legislator for 28 years, I think it would be a huge mistake to change from a part-time Legislature to a year-round one. The ideal of “citizen legislators” has been part of Washington since its territorial days. It works, and needs to be preserved.

Article points out sea lions, birds and water temperatures as causes for salmon decline in Snake River

Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River between Clarkston and the Tri-Cities.

As some of you know, there was recent news that the state Department of Ecology and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation are conducting a study – the Lower Snake River Water Supply Replacement Study – on the potential impacts if Congress decided to breach Washington’s four Lower Snake River dams between Clarkston and the Tri-Cities. DOE and the Bureau of Reclamation held two virtual meetings last week to talk about the study and the dams.  

Considering that the Biden administration several months ago struck a secret deal with several tribes and other groups that oppose the Snake River dams, it’s doubtful that the administration will drop its interest in removing the four dams, which provide cheap and clean electric power to our region and offer other benefits, including barge transportation for wheat and other products and goods, irrigation, recreation and flood control.

Chelsea Martin, the government relations and communications coordinator for Modern Electric Water Company, recently wrote an extensive and informative piece about the dams on the Snake and Columbia rivers in which she focuses on the dams’ importance, as well as factors other than the dams that contribute to the decline of the salmon population in the Snake River. You can also read the story here.

“Even if we reach 100% dam passage rates, our most robust mitigation efforts could be totally upended if salmon can’t survive threats,” Chelsea wrote, listing the following as threats to salmon: 1) hostile oceanic conditions, 2) warming rivers, 3) sea lions, 4) 6PPD-quinone, PCBs and other toxic pollution, 5) predatory birds and 6) non-native predatory fish.

Democrats consider ‘retail delivery fee’

As if there aren’t already too many taxes and fees taking money out of our wallets or bank accounts – another fee is being floated.

According to a recent story by KIRO Radio in Seattle, the idea of a “retail delivery fee” was discussed at a joint legislative transportation committee meeting in Vancouver June 18. The proposed fee would apply to taxable retail items delivered by motor vehicles, including packages from Amazon and goods shipped by companies like UPS and FedEx. You can watch TVW’s coverage of the joint transportation committee meeting here.

This part of KIRO Radio’s story was especially noteworthy:

A study conducted by consulting firm CDM Smith examined the potential impact on consumers and businesses. It also analyzed the experiences of Colorado and Minnesota, the only two states with a retail delivery fee. In Colorado, the fee, enacted in 2022, charges 28 cents per delivery, generating $75.9 million in its first year. Minnesota’s fee, implemented in 2023, charges 50 cents for deliveries over $100, raising an estimated $59 million for cities and towns.

For Washington, the consultants evaluated various fee scenarios. If applied universally to all taxable items without exemptions, the fee could generate up to $112 million by 2026 and $160 million by 2030.

Alternatively, if the fee only applies to deliveries exceeding $75 and exempts retailers with less than $1 million in sales, the potential revenue drops to $49 million in 2026 and $70 million in 2030.

The Association of Washington Business and Washington Retail Association expressed concerns about a retail delivery fee, which they called a “doorstep tax.”

“The doorstep tax is a double tax on top of one of the most regressive and highest sales taxes in the country,” they wrote in a report about the proposed fee. “While we acknowledge the need for innovative solutions to address environmental and budget challenges, taxing deliveries is not the answer.”

If this possible fee was to come up for a Senate vote before I retire in early January, I would be a resounding “no.” 

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the interim we are conducting business from our district office in Spokane Valley. We are here to serve you!

Phone: 509-921-2460

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Democrats refusing to act on six voter initiatives sent to Legislature

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers February 1, 2024. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

It is looking more and more likely that the six initiatives now before the Legislature will wind up going before Washington voters this November.

In late December, petitions containing more than the required number of valid voter signatures for the six measures were delivered to the Office of Secretary of State’s Elections Division, which then conducted a standard signature-check process.

Sponsors said each of the six initiatives had at least 424,896 signatures, well over the minimum of 324,516 signatures needed to be certified, and more than the recommended total of 405,000. According to the initiatives’ sponsors, the combined total number of signatures for the six measures was 2,684,663. 

As Secretary of State Steve Hobbs certified each of the six initiatives, it was delivered to the Legislature for consideration.

This graphic shows that Washington voters have rejected 11 income-tax proposals. It is appearing more likely that they will have their say again this fall on a measure that would ban any local or state government in Washington from imposing an income tax.

By the end of this past week, all six initiatives had been certified and sent to the Legislature:

  • Initiative 2113 deals with police pursuits. It would erase certain requirements that since 2021 have prevented law-enforcement officers from pursuing a suspect unless they think someone has committed certain crimes, including a violent offense or driving while impaired. It has been sent to the Senate Law and Justice Committee for consideration.
  • I-2117 would repeal the state’s costly climate policy, called “cap-and-trade” by some but “cap-and-tax” or “cap-and-gouge,” by opponents who note this law has caused gas prices to rise substantially. The climate policy became state law in 2021 and took full effect early last year. It is now in the Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee.
  • I-2081 would give parents the right to review K-12 instructional materials and require parental notification of school-provided medical services. It has been referred to the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee.
  • I-2109 would repeal the state capital-gains tax that was passed by the Democrat-controlled Legislature in 2021. It is now in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
  • I-2111 would ban any local or state government in our state from imposing an income tax. Like I-2109, this measure is in the Ways and Means Committee.
  • I-2124 would allow people to opt out of the mandatory payroll tax for the state-run long-term care program. It is before the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee.

Legislators have three options with initiatives to the Legislature: 1) adopt the initiative as written, in which case it becomes law; 2) refuse to pass it, which would result in the measure automatically being placed on the statewide ballot next fall; 3) propose and approve an alternative initiative, in which case both the original initiative and the alternative would both appear together on the fall statewide ballot.

Regretably, Senate Democrats so far have refused to even schedule public hearings on any of the six initiatives. Any initiative not enacted this session will be placed on the statewide ballot this fall for you and other voters to decide.      

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email. 

Thank you, as always, for the honor of representing you in Olympia!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Panel passes pollinator proposal

A bill I introduced at the request of a Mount Spokane High School student to help bees and other pollinators is buzzing through the Senate this year.

The Senate Local Government, Land Use and Tribal Affairs Committee on Tuesday approved Senate Bill 5934, a bipartisan measure that aims to promote the use of pollinator-friendly shrubs or bushes in landscaping.

Mount Spokane High School senior Julia Costello approached me this past fall about sponsoring the bill.

Julia is a Girl Scout working to complete the requirements to earn the Gold Award, which is equivalent to earning the Eagle Scout award as a Boy Scout. One of Julia’s Gold Award requirements is working with a legislator on sponsoring a bill. Julia made a compelling case why improving pollinators’ habitat is beneficial. It was nice for Julia to see this bill pass out of committee. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with her.

Before passing SB 5934, the Senate panel approved an amendment that establishes that a local government may encourage, but does not have to require, applicants for project or commercial-building permits to include pollinator-friendly plants in any landscaped area. 

Spokane Conservation District Director Vicki Carter sent a letter in support of SB 5934.    

The proposal will be sent to the Senate Rules Committee, which serves as the final hurdle before bills reach the Senate floor for a vote by the entire Senate.

Gonzaga Prep student serves as page

Last week I had the pleasure of sponsoring Anthony DeGon (in photo above), a sophomore at Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, during his week as a Senate page at the Capitol.

Anthony told me he is very interested in representative government, so I think he really enjoyed his time here in Olympia and seeing how the Legislature works.

He enjoys playing football, soccer, skating and reading in his free time. He also is an active member of the Prep debate team. He wants to attend college to further his future by studying political psychology. Anthony is the son of Alice DeGon. 

The Senate Page Program is an opportunity for Washington students to spend a week working in the Legislature. Students are responsible for transporting documents between offices, as well as delivering messages and mail. Pages spend time in the Senate chamber and attend page school to learn about parliamentary procedure and the legislative process. Students also draft their own bills and engage in a mock committee.

Committee OKs Padden health-care bill

Last Thursday, the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee passed Senate Bill 5920, my proposal that would allow our state Department of Health to have more psychiatric beds in our state. 

This proposal would reinstate authority for the Department of Health until 2028 to grant certificate-of-need exemptions related to increasing psychiatric-bed capacity by allowing additional psychiatric beds or construction of a new psychiatric hospital.  

A couple of years ago, a company was deterred from building a psychiatric hospital in Spokane Valley due to the certificate-of-need process. It was built in California instead, which does not require a certificate of need. The federal government figured out long ago that certificates of need do not work; it repealed federal certificate-of-need requirements in 1987.

SB 5920 addresses a need for vulnerable people and illustrates how certificates of need hurt Washingtonians. The need for more beds is clear, and the certificate-of-need law is an unnecessary barrier. States with these laws have higher costs and fewer medical services.

Two weeks ago, Elizabeth Hovde, who testified in favor of SB 5920 during its public hearing before the Health and Long Term Care Committee, wrote about the bill for the Washington Policy Center. You may read her article here.

TVW interview on “ditch the switch” bill

Senator Manka Dhingra (left) and I were interviewed last week by The Impact host Mike McClanahan about SB 5795, our legislation to “ditch the switch” by keeping Washington on year-round standard time.    

Last Wednesday, I had the privilege of doing a sit-down interview at the TVW headquarters in Olympia for the weekly show “The Impact”. Host Mike McClanahan had invited Redmond Senator Manka Dhingra and me to discuss Senate Bill 5795, the proposal that we are sponsoring this year to “ditch the switch”  by keeping Washington on year-round standard time instead of going back and forth between standard time and daylight saving time each year. You may watch our interview here.

“The Impact” airs on TVW on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Unfortunately, the chair of the Senate State Government and Elections Committee, Senator Sam Hunt of Olympia, after originally scheduling SB 5795 for a vote, chose not to bring up SB 5795 for a vote before the committee cutoff yesterday. Unless something significant happens between now and the end of session, it appears that the “ditch the switch” bill will need to wait till next year, which means that Washingtonians will be forced to continue switching between standard time and daylight saving time each year. 

State senators send letter to Congress in support of Snake River dams

Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River. 

One federal issue that has the attention of many Washington state legislators is the fate of the four lower Snake River dams between Clarkston and the Tri-Cities. Last December’s announcement by the Biden administration that it and four Northwest tribes were “partnering to restore wild salmon habitats in the Columbia River Basin” while exploring the possibility of breaching the four dams in the future has been a major concern for state lawmakers, especially those from eastern Washington.

That is why I spearheaded a letter last week in support of the four Snake River dams, signed by 20 state Senate Republicans members. The letter was sent to 5th District U.S. Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee, as well as the committee’s ranking member and chair and ranking member of the House Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee.   

Earlier this week, I met with two officials with Modern Electric Water Company – an electric and water utility in Spokane Valley – who visited Olympia, General Manager Joe Morgan and Government Relations and Communications Coordinator Chelsea Martin. Chelsea last week sent a letter of support for the dams on behalf of Modern Electric Water Company to Representative McMorris Rodgers and the other three U.S. House members.    

Senator Padden this week talked about energy issues and the four lower Snake River dams with two officials from Spokane Valley’s Modern Electric Water Company, General Manager Joe Morgan (left) and Government Relations and Communications Coordinator Chelsea Martin (middle).  

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.