Tag Archives: cap-and-trade program

ALERT – Property taxes could rise under bad bill moving in Senate

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers February 8, 2024. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that Senate Democrats are considering a bill this session that could dramatically raise your property taxes if enacted.

Unfortunately, this very bad and very expensive proposal is still alive. The Senate Ways and Means Committee on Monday voted to pass Senate Bill 5770, which would triple the allowable growth rate of annual property taxes collected by local governments in Washington. Governments currently may collect an additional 1% annually in property tax, plus any revenues attributable to the value of new construction, without having to seek voter approval. This proposal would change that increase from 1% to 3%. The state Department of Revenue has estimated that the proposed substitute version of SB 5770 would increase taxes by a whopping $7 billion over the next 10 years, with the compounding effect of the increase continuing to escalate over time.

There is talk in the Capitol that Senate Bill 5770 might be brought to the Senate floor as early as later today. If so, I will strongly oppose this very bad and unnecessary bill. Homeowners and landowners are paying enough in property taxes without being put in a position by the Legislature to pay even more.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email. 

Thank you, as always, for the honor of representing you in Olympia!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Bill requiring insurance to own guns dies in committee

Every year in Olympia, Democrats sponsor several bills that infringe on law-abiding gun owners in one way or another.

It’s good to report that one of the more outrageous anti-2nd Amendment bills has been stopped this year.

Senate Bill 5963, introduced by 48th District Senator Patty Kuderer of Bellevue, would require gun owners, including renters, to have a home insurance policy simply for owning a firearm.

The NRA provided ample reason why SB 5963 is bad legislation:

Mandating insurance policies will in no way reduce crime and the illicit use of firearms, as criminals and other prohibited persons could never secure coverage. Instead, this legislation would serve as a barrier to those seeking to exercise their rights, including unknown annual costs. SB 5963 could be utilized as a backdoor registration scheme, which would include sensitive personal information on firearm owners, including name, address, phone number and other identifiers. Additionally, given the uncertainty if this type of coverage would even exist, it could put insurance companies in a position of increased pricing on policies based on the types and number of firearms covered. This legislation is not rooted in public safety, but instead provides an additional avenue for the Washington State Legislature to harass and burden law-abiding citizens.

As Republican leader in the Senate Law and Justice Committee, Senator Padden helped lead the successful effort to keep Senate Bill 5963 from being approved by the panel.

For many gun owners, SB 5963 represents yet another Democrat-sponsored bill to make it harder and more expensive to own a gun. Of the nearly 2,100 people who signed up to express their opinion on this measure when it received a public hearing in the Senate Law and Justice Committee on January 29, over 1,300 (62%) opposed it.

Among the many people who testified against SB 5963 was Jeremy Ball, who owns a shooting range in Spokane. You can view and hear Jeremy’s testimony here.

Those testifying against the bill made several worthy arguments:

  • This bill will make housing in Washington even less affordable.
  • The bill would require an ongoing fee, in the form of insurance, to exercise a constitutional right.
  • SB 5963 would not reduce gun crimes because it only addresses accidental discharge.
  • If this passes, gun owners will be forced to choose between housing and keeping their firearm.
  • Reporting of firearm ownership to insurance companies is akin to a firearm registry.
  • The insurance products described in this bill do not exist.
  • Citizens will be priced out of gun ownership because of the increased cost of purchasing insurance.
  • This bill discriminates against gun owners.
  • Impoverished people would suffer the most under this bill due to the increased costs associated with protecting themselves.
  • This bill is unnecessary. Firearms account for less than one percent of preventable accidents.

Fortunately, thanks in large part to the vast opposition to SB 5963 during its public hearing, as well as the many calls and emails from gun supporters to key legislators on the Law and Justice Committee, the bill was not brought up for a vote, so it is dead – at least until next year.

However, it would not be surprising if Democrats choose to introduce the same bill in 2025.

Six initiatives to the Legislature still ‘held hostage’ by not receiving public hearings

This poster, featuring Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and seen on the Capitol campus in Olympia, underscores how the state’s capital-gains tax could force residents to leave Washington. 

It’s very disappointing that Democrat leaders in the Senate and House still have not scheduled public hearings on the six initiatives that were sent to the Legislature earlier this session. These measures each received more than 400,000 signatures and collectively over 2.6 million signatures. Here’s what each would do:

  • Initiative 2113 deals with police pursuits. It would erase certain requirements that since 2021 have prevented law-enforcement officers from pursuing a suspect unless they think someone has committed certain crimes, including a violent offense or driving while impaired. It has been sent to the Senate Law and Justice Committee for consideration.
  • I-2117 would repeal the state’s costly climate policy, called “cap-and-trade” by some but “cap-and-tax” or “cap-and-gouge,” by opponents who note this law has caused gas prices to rise substantially. The climate policy became state law in 2021 and took full effect early last year. It is now in the Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee.
  • I-2081 would give parents the right to review K-12 instructional materials and require parental notification of school-provided medical services. It has been referred to the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee.
  • I-2109 would repeal the state capital-gains tax that was passed by the Democrat-controlled Legislature in 2021. It is now in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
  • I-2111 would ban any local or state government in our state from imposing an income tax. Like I-2109, this measure is in the Ways and Means Committee.
  • I-2124 would allow people to opt out of the mandatory payroll tax for the state-run long-term care program. It is before the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee.

Legislators have three options with initiatives to the Legislature: 1) adopt the initiative as written, in which case it becomes law; 2) refuse to pass it, which would result in the measure automatically being placed on the statewide ballot next fall; 3) propose and approve an alternative initiative, in which case both the original initiative and the alternative would both appear together on the fall statewide ballot.

Another poster found around the Capitol points out how I-2113 would help improve public safety by restoring police pursuits in Washington.    

There are rumors that the Democrats might schedule public hearings on three of the initiatives – parental rights (I-2081), banning any income tax (I-2111) and restoring the ability of police to pursue (I-2113). However, if the hearings occur, it would not happen until after the February 13 “floor cutoff” for the Senate to pass bills that originated in our chamber. 

Senate passes second Padden bill removing red tape from construction of smaller condominiums

A year ago, the Legislature unanimously approved a bill that I prime-sponsored that helps encourage home ownership in Washington by making it easier to construct smaller condominium buildings.

A similar condo-construction measure that I introduced is advancing this year following its unanimous passage Tuesday. The proposal now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration. 

Senate Bill 5792 would exclude buildings with 12 or fewer units that are no more than three stories high from the definition of “multiunit residential building” if one story is utilized for above- or below-ground parking or retail space.

This bill builds on last year’s efforts to have more housing options for Washington’s middle class. Condominiums provide an affordable path to homeownership for first-time homebuyers.   

When SB 5792 received a public hearing in the Senate Law and Justice Committee last month, several people testified in favor of it, including Spokane Valley City Council member Rod Higgins, Spokane City Council President Betsy Wilkerson, Greenstone Corporation’s Jim Frank and officials from the Washington Realtors Association and the Building Industry Association of Washington.

The law created by last year’s condo bill, Senate Bill 5058, exempts buildings with 12 or fewer units that are no more than two stories high from the definition of “multiunit residential building.”

Washington has one of the lower homeownership rates in the nation, and both policies can help our state address this problem. These smaller condominiums would still have the same building requirements that a townhouse or single-family house would have.

The combination of that law and this year’s new bill, if it is enacted, should result in more homeownership in the state. 

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Democrats refusing to act on six voter initiatives sent to Legislature

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers February 1, 2024. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

It is looking more and more likely that the six initiatives now before the Legislature will wind up going before Washington voters this November.

In late December, petitions containing more than the required number of valid voter signatures for the six measures were delivered to the Office of Secretary of State’s Elections Division, which then conducted a standard signature-check process.

Sponsors said each of the six initiatives had at least 424,896 signatures, well over the minimum of 324,516 signatures needed to be certified, and more than the recommended total of 405,000. According to the initiatives’ sponsors, the combined total number of signatures for the six measures was 2,684,663. 

As Secretary of State Steve Hobbs certified each of the six initiatives, it was delivered to the Legislature for consideration.

This graphic shows that Washington voters have rejected 11 income-tax proposals. It is appearing more likely that they will have their say again this fall on a measure that would ban any local or state government in Washington from imposing an income tax.

By the end of this past week, all six initiatives had been certified and sent to the Legislature:

  • Initiative 2113 deals with police pursuits. It would erase certain requirements that since 2021 have prevented law-enforcement officers from pursuing a suspect unless they think someone has committed certain crimes, including a violent offense or driving while impaired. It has been sent to the Senate Law and Justice Committee for consideration.
  • I-2117 would repeal the state’s costly climate policy, called “cap-and-trade” by some but “cap-and-tax” or “cap-and-gouge,” by opponents who note this law has caused gas prices to rise substantially. The climate policy became state law in 2021 and took full effect early last year. It is now in the Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee.
  • I-2081 would give parents the right to review K-12 instructional materials and require parental notification of school-provided medical services. It has been referred to the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee.
  • I-2109 would repeal the state capital-gains tax that was passed by the Democrat-controlled Legislature in 2021. It is now in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
  • I-2111 would ban any local or state government in our state from imposing an income tax. Like I-2109, this measure is in the Ways and Means Committee.
  • I-2124 would allow people to opt out of the mandatory payroll tax for the state-run long-term care program. It is before the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee.

Legislators have three options with initiatives to the Legislature: 1) adopt the initiative as written, in which case it becomes law; 2) refuse to pass it, which would result in the measure automatically being placed on the statewide ballot next fall; 3) propose and approve an alternative initiative, in which case both the original initiative and the alternative would both appear together on the fall statewide ballot.

Regretably, Senate Democrats so far have refused to even schedule public hearings on any of the six initiatives. Any initiative not enacted this session will be placed on the statewide ballot this fall for you and other voters to decide.      

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email. 

Thank you, as always, for the honor of representing you in Olympia!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Panel passes pollinator proposal

A bill I introduced at the request of a Mount Spokane High School student to help bees and other pollinators is buzzing through the Senate this year.

The Senate Local Government, Land Use and Tribal Affairs Committee on Tuesday approved Senate Bill 5934, a bipartisan measure that aims to promote the use of pollinator-friendly shrubs or bushes in landscaping.

Mount Spokane High School senior Julia Costello approached me this past fall about sponsoring the bill.

Julia is a Girl Scout working to complete the requirements to earn the Gold Award, which is equivalent to earning the Eagle Scout award as a Boy Scout. One of Julia’s Gold Award requirements is working with a legislator on sponsoring a bill. Julia made a compelling case why improving pollinators’ habitat is beneficial. It was nice for Julia to see this bill pass out of committee. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with her.

Before passing SB 5934, the Senate panel approved an amendment that establishes that a local government may encourage, but does not have to require, applicants for project or commercial-building permits to include pollinator-friendly plants in any landscaped area. 

Spokane Conservation District Director Vicki Carter sent a letter in support of SB 5934.    

The proposal will be sent to the Senate Rules Committee, which serves as the final hurdle before bills reach the Senate floor for a vote by the entire Senate.

Gonzaga Prep student serves as page

Last week I had the pleasure of sponsoring Anthony DeGon (in photo above), a sophomore at Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, during his week as a Senate page at the Capitol.

Anthony told me he is very interested in representative government, so I think he really enjoyed his time here in Olympia and seeing how the Legislature works.

He enjoys playing football, soccer, skating and reading in his free time. He also is an active member of the Prep debate team. He wants to attend college to further his future by studying political psychology. Anthony is the son of Alice DeGon. 

The Senate Page Program is an opportunity for Washington students to spend a week working in the Legislature. Students are responsible for transporting documents between offices, as well as delivering messages and mail. Pages spend time in the Senate chamber and attend page school to learn about parliamentary procedure and the legislative process. Students also draft their own bills and engage in a mock committee.

Committee OKs Padden health-care bill

Last Thursday, the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee passed Senate Bill 5920, my proposal that would allow our state Department of Health to have more psychiatric beds in our state. 

This proposal would reinstate authority for the Department of Health until 2028 to grant certificate-of-need exemptions related to increasing psychiatric-bed capacity by allowing additional psychiatric beds or construction of a new psychiatric hospital.  

A couple of years ago, a company was deterred from building a psychiatric hospital in Spokane Valley due to the certificate-of-need process. It was built in California instead, which does not require a certificate of need. The federal government figured out long ago that certificates of need do not work; it repealed federal certificate-of-need requirements in 1987.

SB 5920 addresses a need for vulnerable people and illustrates how certificates of need hurt Washingtonians. The need for more beds is clear, and the certificate-of-need law is an unnecessary barrier. States with these laws have higher costs and fewer medical services.

Two weeks ago, Elizabeth Hovde, who testified in favor of SB 5920 during its public hearing before the Health and Long Term Care Committee, wrote about the bill for the Washington Policy Center. You may read her article here.

TVW interview on “ditch the switch” bill

Senator Manka Dhingra (left) and I were interviewed last week by The Impact host Mike McClanahan about SB 5795, our legislation to “ditch the switch” by keeping Washington on year-round standard time.    

Last Wednesday, I had the privilege of doing a sit-down interview at the TVW headquarters in Olympia for the weekly show “The Impact”. Host Mike McClanahan had invited Redmond Senator Manka Dhingra and me to discuss Senate Bill 5795, the proposal that we are sponsoring this year to “ditch the switch”  by keeping Washington on year-round standard time instead of going back and forth between standard time and daylight saving time each year. You may watch our interview here.

“The Impact” airs on TVW on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Unfortunately, the chair of the Senate State Government and Elections Committee, Senator Sam Hunt of Olympia, after originally scheduling SB 5795 for a vote, chose not to bring up SB 5795 for a vote before the committee cutoff yesterday. Unless something significant happens between now and the end of session, it appears that the “ditch the switch” bill will need to wait till next year, which means that Washingtonians will be forced to continue switching between standard time and daylight saving time each year. 

State senators send letter to Congress in support of Snake River dams

Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River. 

One federal issue that has the attention of many Washington state legislators is the fate of the four lower Snake River dams between Clarkston and the Tri-Cities. Last December’s announcement by the Biden administration that it and four Northwest tribes were “partnering to restore wild salmon habitats in the Columbia River Basin” while exploring the possibility of breaching the four dams in the future has been a major concern for state lawmakers, especially those from eastern Washington.

That is why I spearheaded a letter last week in support of the four Snake River dams, signed by 20 state Senate Republicans members. The letter was sent to 5th District U.S. Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who chairs the House Energy and Commerce Committee, as well as the committee’s ranking member and chair and ranking member of the House Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Subcommittee.   

Earlier this week, I met with two officials with Modern Electric Water Company – an electric and water utility in Spokane Valley – who visited Olympia, General Manager Joe Morgan and Government Relations and Communications Coordinator Chelsea Martin. Chelsea last week sent a letter of support for the dams on behalf of Modern Electric Water Company to Representative McMorris Rodgers and the other three U.S. House members.    

Senator Padden this week talked about energy issues and the four lower Snake River dams with two officials from Spokane Valley’s Modern Electric Water Company, General Manager Joe Morgan (left) and Government Relations and Communications Coordinator Chelsea Martin (middle).  

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

The bell rings — 60-day legislative session starts today

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers January 8, 2024. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

This year’s legislative session begins today and is scheduled to last 60 days, ending March 7. Today will be highlighted with the traditional opening-day ceremonies in the Senate chamber. Tomorrow the Senate and House of Representatives will meet in a joint session in the House chamber to hear Governor Inslee’s final state of the state address. 

Once these events are over, the Senate will focus much of its time on committee meetings. Each bill is referred to a committee, where it may receive a public hearing and possibly a vote – steps that are typically determined by the committee chair. The Senate will be in “committee mode” for most of the next month, though occasionally we will meet on the floor of the Senate chamber to debate and vote on bills sent forward by the committees. A solid run of these floor sessions will follow the initial round of committee work. 

Veteran state government reporter Jim Camden wrote this column for the Spokesman-Review that explains how to keep tabs on the session. Jim’s column includes one of my favorite quotes: “No man’s life, liberty or property is safe when the Legislature is in session.”

The Inlander also ran a session preview story over the weekend.

The Legislative Building, where the Senate and House chambers are located.

Here are several resources to help you follow this year’s session 

  • My legislative website|Here you will find my news releases and clips, newsletters, bills, contact information, biography, and other information. 
  • The 4th District Government Guide| In this resource book, you will find the phone numbers, email addresses and offices of city, county, state and federal officials who represent you. 
  • The Capitol Buzz| A daily recap of the top online news stories. Click the link to subscribe. 
  • TVW| You may watch live broadcasts of floor and committee action online. 
  • Legislature’s website| Bill reports, committee agendas, and information about upcoming activities in the Legislature are here. 
  • State agencies| This website is where you may find all the state agencies, boards, and commissions. 
  • Washington Votes| The Washington Policy Center’s vote-tracking website. 

To Track Legislation 

  1. Go to leg.wa.gov  
  1. On the left-hand panel, click “Bill Information.”  
  1. If you know the bill number, enter it in the search field and click enter. 
  1. Don’t have a bill number? Under the section “Standard Reports” you’ll find alternative tracking tools. You may search based on topic, within a specific biennium, and more. 

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email. 

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Meet Team Padden for 2024 session 

I’m happy to introduce my legislative staff for this year’s session. My legislative assistant, Annalise Hemingway (right), joined the office last spring. My session aide this year is Ethan Mettlin (middle). Ethan has returned to my office for this year’s session after interning for me last year. Vandee Pannkuk (left) is my session intern this year. Vandee, an Onalaska native, attends Washington State University and is studying political science and criminal justice. 

Reporters challenge Inslee over gas prices at legislative preview 

In recent years it has seemed like many reporters, whether they are part of the Capitol Press Corps that cover state government or part of the Seattle media, have been hesitant to challenge Governor Inslee on issues when it’s apparent that he is wrong or misleading the public.  

But in recent months, more members of the media have confronted the governor over how the state’s cap-and-trade program has led to higher gas prices in Washington over the past year. That willingness by the media to go after Inslee was on full display during this past Thursday’s legislative-session preview held on the Capitol campus.  

After Inslee began his portion of the meeting by touting what he considers to be his accomplishments as governor entering what will be his last year in that office, some of the assembled media members took aim at him over a report published this week by the Washington Policy Center’s Todd Myers that showed Inslee knew long ago that a tax on carbon emissions would significantly increase gas prices.  

The Myers piece noted that the governor’s chief policy advisor at the time told members of the Senate Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Committee in 2014 that a “High Carbon Price” scenario with a “CO2 price of $52 per metric ton (MT) – almost identical to the state’s current CO2 price – would increase gas prices by 44 cents per gallon.”  

The publication of this report allowed reporters to ask Inslee about it Thursday. As you might guess, the governor was not inclined to agree with Myers’ assertion.  

Brandi Kruse, a former reporter for Seattle’s KIRO radio and KCPQ-TV who now hosts the “Undivided” political podcast, asked Inslee pointed questions over gas prices that appeared to make the governor uncomfortable.    

You may watch the governor’s interactions with reporters at the 3-hour, 4-minute mark of TVW’s coverage. It definitely is worth viewing. 

The Center Square has an interesting article about Myers’ report and the defiant response by Inslee’s  spokesman. KIRO Radio in Seattle published the transcript of a long and sometimes contentious interview with the governor last Friday in which KIRO reporters were not willing to let Inslee off the hook over higher gas prices.

Padden introduces bills to “ditch the switch,” tackle fentanyl crisis 

Senator Padden asks a question during a committee meeting.

In the weeks leading up to this year’s legislative session, many lawmakers “prefiled” bills that will be formally introduced now that it’s opening day. Among the several bills I filed before today are proposals aiming to make our roads and highways safer, reduce fentanyl’s terrible impact in our state and finally end the twice-yearly switch between daylight saving time and standard time:  

  • Senate Bill 5791 calls for the Washington State Patrol to establish a pilot program to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of oral fluid roadside information used as part of the enforcement of impaired-driving laws. The measure is already scheduled for a public hearing tomorrow at 4 p.m. in the Senate Transportation Committee. 
  • Senate Bill 5795 would allow Washington to “ditch the switch” and keep the state on standard time year-round. If there is one issue most people agree on, it’s the dislike of moving their clocks from standard time to daylight saving time in the spring and then back to standard time in the fall. This bill would keep our state on standard time permanently. The proposal has not been sent to a committee yet, but it likely will go to the Senate State Government and Elections Committee. 
  • Senate Bill 5929 would make reckless endangerment with fentanyl a Class B Felony. Children are dying throughout our state as fentanyl use has increased dramatically. Late last month, information was released that fentanyl deaths in King County topped 1,050 last year, surpassing an all-time record. The bill is expected to be sent to the Senate Law and Justice Committee for consideration.

Two other proposals I’m introducing this session are:

  • Senate Bill 5792 would expand on a new state law passed last session that makes it easier for small condominium buildings to be constructed. That new law, which I introduced, specifically exempts buildings with 12 or fewer units that are no more than two stories from the definition of a “multiunit” residential building. The 2024 bill would allow the construction of such condo buildings to include a third level for parking or retail stores.
  • Senate Bill 6026 would protect the rights of parents and guardians by using students’ given names in public schools.

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.


Pain at the pump grows

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers September 12, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

Throughout this year, drivers around our state have been forced to pay much more for gasoline than in nearly every other state, with the notable exception of California. The cause for the higher gas prices is the cap-and-trade program, fully implemented on January 1 through the Climate Commitment Act that was requested by Governor Inslee and passed a couple of years ago by Democratic majorities in the Legislature.

Unfortunately, we should expect gas prices to rise yet again. 

On August 30, the state Department of Ecology held its latest quarterly carbon auction under cap-and-trade. The cost of the “allowances” at that auction is expected to eventually drive the cumulative gas-price hike associated with cap-and-trade to over 51 cents a gallon.

According to AAA’s state-by-state gas price averages, Washington’s average gas price yesterday was $5.066 a gallon, roughly 30 cents a gallon more than the two next most expensive states (Hawaii at $4.784 and Oregon at $4.720) and only behind California, which tops gas prices nationally at $5.439.

It isn’t surprising that our state’s high gas prices have pushed many drivers across the border to buy cheaper gas in Idaho, which hurts retailers in Spokane County and other border counties.

Governor Inslee has encouraged the higher gas prices to happen. Besides pushing for cap-and-trade two years ago, Inslee has done nothing to reduce the higher gas prices; instead, he demonizes oil companies for passing along the higher costs to consumers. The governor has rejected proposed solutions by Republican legislators to lower gas prices. Meanwhile, low-income people, whom the governor claims to care about, have been hit especially hard since they typically must devote a larger portion of their income toward gas and transportation because of where they live, especially those in rural areas.   

Since carbon auctions authorized by the state’s cap-and-trade program began this year, nearly $1.5 billion has been collected – money taken from hard-working Washingtonians for programs that will make environmentalists happy but very likely will NOT reduce carbon emissions or improve the climate.

My colleague, Senator Curtis King of Yakima and the lead Republican on the Senate Transportation Committee, issued a news release last week that criticized the most recent carbon auction and the cap-and-trade program in general.

In his news release, Senator King said: “Governor Inslee’s policy is trying to impoverish Washingtonians into changing their driving behavior by making them stop driving gas-powered cars, and at the same time attempting to make it more expensive for many people to heat their homes because cap-and-trade will raise natural-gas prices as well. This program championed by our governor is being unnecessarily cruel to many people in our state by causing fuel and heating prices to soar.”

While drivers in most states see gas prices below $4 a gallon, drivers in our state are being forced to pay at least $5 a gallon thanks to the cap-and-trade program (California, which also has a cap-and-trade program, is the other state with gas over $5). Gas prices are bound to become higher thanks to this very expensive program, which won’t do a thing to reduce global carbon emissions.

Todd Myers, the Washington Policy Center’s environmental analyst, recently wrote a column  that also was critical of the latest carbon auction and its impact on gas prices. Part of Todd’s piece is especially noteworthy:

Washington’s climate law needs a significant overhaul, because even Ecology’s low projections show costs increasing through 2030. Two things should be done in the near term.

First, waive the state’s CO2 target and cap prices at California’s price. Our extremely aggressive 2030 target is a big driver in the excessive price. No amount of fiddling with the system or special auctions will make costs reasonable as long as the cap is so extreme.

Second, we should remove any restrictions on private CO2-reduction projects, sometimes called “carbon offsets.” Ecology’s own analysis shows we could reduce the same amount of CO2 for lower cost by allowing innovators to find alternative ways to cut emissions. Even as the environmental community attacks carbon offsets, they support spending government money on projects that are literally identical. For example, Washington’s taxpayer-funded Clean Energy Fund offers grants to projects like carbon capture to reduce atmospheric CO2. However, if a successful carbon-capture technology was actually created, state law would prohibit it from being used to meet requirements of the CCA. Fund a technology, then ban it. It is absurd.

Elected officials should encourage all CO2-reducing innovation in order to meet the state’s climate goals at an affordable price. The Governor and legislators don’t want that, however, because although allowing innovative approaches to cut emissions would help meet Washington’s CO2 targets, the money for those projects doesn’t go to the state. It is clear that the Governor is prioritizing increased taxes over reducing CO2 efficiently.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Spokane Conservation District provides post-fire assistance on Oregon Fire

If you or any of your neighbors were affected by the recent Oregon Fire in northern Spokane County, the Spokane Conservation District is providing post-fire technical assistance. You can learn more or request fire assistance by going here

The conservation district provided this information about post-fire assistance in its latest e-newsletter: 

Spokane Conservation District is here to provide support and resources to landowners in Spokane County who have been impacted by the devastating Oregon Rd. fire and Gray fire. Our team of specialists will come to your property and conduct a thorough assessment, providing informed recommendations based on your goals for the property. Additionally, we will also inform landowners of current programs that may provide financial assistance for necessary actions.

Bridge event in Liberty Lake

Senator Padden (second from left) sits with Central Valley School District Superintendent John Parker (left), Spokane Valley Fire Department Chief Frank Soto Jr. (second from right) and Liberty Lake Mayor Cris Kaminskas (right) during Saturday’s ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the new Lud Kramer Bridge.

Last Saturday morning, I was one of the speakers at the ribbon-cutting event for the new Lud Kramer Bridge, located in Liberty Lake. Other speakers included Liberty Lake Mayor Cris Kaminskas, Central Valley School District Superintendent John Parker, Spokane Valley Fire Department Chief Frank Soto Jr., Washington State Department of Transportation Regional Administrator Todd Trepanier and Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce President Lance Beck. The event was sponsored by the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce.

The new bridge will help provide congestion relief for Liberty Lake. Students will have easier access to Selkirk Middle School, as well as the new Ridgeline High School that opened a few years ago. This project also will benefit the community’s police and fire departments. For example, Spokane Valley Fire Station 3 is located on the south side of the bridge and can now respond more quickly to calls to the north of I-90.

Thanks go to several people for their hard work to make the new bridge a reality, especially former Liberty Lake Mayor Steve Peterson, former state Department of Transportation Eastern Region Director Mike Gribner and current Liberty Lake Mayor Cris Kaminskas. The project was a partnership between the state Department of Transportation and the City of Liberty Lake.

With the new bridge in the background, Senator Padden speaks during the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new span.

Work began in October 2021 on the crossing, which is named after Lud Kramer, a former Washington secretary of state who later settled in Liberty Lake. The bridge will create an additional north/south connection between Country Vista Drive and Mission Avenue. This will alleviate traffic from needing to use Harvard Road over I-90 or Barker Road.

The funding for the bridge project – nearly $9 million – was through the state Connecting Washington transportation funding package passed by the Legislature in 2015. An additional $4.1 million was provided by the City of Liberty Lake for the project. Included in that $4.1 million was a small contribution by Spokane County.

This project was part of the overall Barker to Harvard project which included:

  • Roundabouts at the on/off-ramps at Barker Road and I-90.
  • Widening the Harvard Bridge over I-90 in Liberty Lake to add a exit only lane for NB travel to WB I-90. This project also extended both westbound I-90 on-ramps to allow longer merge lanes.

Other recent events and meetings

A train locomotive that is part of the Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad was seen during the Harvest Rail Tour.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have attended other meetings or events in the 4th Legislative District or elsewhere in our state. Here is a partial recap of legislative events I attended:

  • Harvest Rail Tour: On September 5, I joined several legislators from both sides of the state in Cheney for the annual Harvest Rail Tour, organized by the HighLine Grain Growers. The tour of the Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad began with the grain growers showing us the Four Lakes Shuttle Loading Facility, followed by a five-mile ride on Washington Eastern Railroad engines. The legislative group later went to Davenport to see rail realignment and loading facility improvements, followed by a meeting at Spokane International Airport. During the tour, legislators learned about how the rail line contributes to job growth in the region, including additional jobs at the Louisiana Pacific facility.
  • Legislative Police Academy: On September 7-8, I was in Tacoma for the Legislator Police Academy, hosted by the National Conference on State Legislatures. On the first day of the event, attendees, including legislators from nine states, heard speeches by my colleague, Senator John Lovick, a former Washington State Patrol trooper and former Snohomish County sheriff; and Monica Alexander, executive director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission. Later last Thursday, two NCSL staff members shared legislative trends, followed by a legislative roundtable discussion.

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the interim we are conducting business from our district office in Spokane Valley. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (509) 921-2460

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

No state worse than WA for jump in drug-overdose deaths

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers Aug. 24, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Let’s hear it for firefighters, others battling area wildfires

Dear friends and neighbors,

Over the past week, firefighters and others have heroically battled two wildfires in parts of Spokane County, including the Oregon Road Fire near Elk in the northern part of the county. Firefighters also have worked hard to contain the Gray Fire affecting the Medical Lake area. The governor last weekend declared a state of emergency due to the wildfires. 

A special thank-you goes to all of the professional and volunteer firefighters who are working so hard in high heat and difficult conditions to try to contain these dangerous wildfires. Their courage, determination and toughness are to be admired and commended. Thanks also to those who have helped in other ways, including providing food, water and other needed supplies to those affected by the fires.   

Fire trucks have been a key part of the effort to subdue wildfires in eastern Washington.

On Wednesday morning I attended three meetings regarding the Oregon Road fire. During the first meeting, at Deer Park City Hall, federal and state officials discussed the extent of the fire and the resources deployed to battle and contain it: 876 people, 43 fire engines, nine bulldozers, 38 water tenders and six helicopters. Not surprisingly, they noted the half-inch of rain that fell Wednesday helped tremendously.

Next was a community meeting at Riverside High School that drew 300 people, where it was announced that the Oregon Road fire had burned more than 11,000 acres. Riverside School District Superintendent Ken Russell was there, as was Spokane County Undersheriff Michael Kittilstved and Spokane County Commissioner Josh Kerns. Afterward Superintendent Russell asked me to attend another meeting about whether to delay the start of the school year in the Riverside School District. Here is the link to the story that Riverside School District put out yesterday in which it is postponing its start date for school.

Below is state and local resource information below to use and share as we navigate this disaster.

Please do not hesitate to contact my district office at 509-921-2460 if you are having trouble reaching a state agency for assistance.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

WA has fastest drug-overdose death-rate increase in U.S.

Our state has a serious and growing problem with drug-overdose deaths.

New statistics from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show Washington’s fatal drug-overdose situation is even grimmer than a month ago.

For the third straight month, the CDC has issued a report that finds Washington having the negative distinction of seeing the fastest drug-overdose death rate increase of any state in the country. According to the CDC, Washington has seen a nation-leading 28.4% increase in drug-overdose deaths between March 2022 and March 2023 (up from 23.9% for the period between February 2022 and February 2023). Oregon ranks second at 19.6%, followed by Nevada (19%) and Alabama (14%). The national average is a miniscule 0.1% increase.

But, according to the latest CDC report, Washington now leads the country not just in the percentage increase in deaths, but also the number of increased deaths (688 more than in the prior 12-month period). The full CDC report can be viewed here.

The CDC figures illustrate the effect of Washington’s decriminalization effort because they show the rise in drug deaths between 2021 and 2023, as the liberalized drug law took effect.

The 2021 Blake ruling by the state Supreme Court declared Washington’s felony drug-possession statute was unconstitutional because it criminalized possession even when a person did not knowingly have drugs. The Democrat-led Legislature responded that session with a law that reduced the criminal penalty for illegally possessing hard drugs to a misdemeanor – a change not directed by the court. As a result, many police agencies ceased enforcement efforts.

By eliminating the threat of jail time, the 2021 law eliminated incentives for addicts to enroll in drug-treatment programs. It also eliminated a tool used by law enforcement in sweeps of homeless camps.  

The punishment under the new drug-possession law (called the “Blake fix”), approved by the Legislature during a one-day special session in May, is basically a hybrid between a gross misdemeanor and a misdemeanor. It will not be an effective deterrent for drug offenders.

The new law took effect on July 1, and no benefit has been seen yet. More must be done to combat drug use and overdoses, including tougher punishment for using hard drugs, before even more lives are lost.  

State has collected nearly $1 billion since cap-and-trade auctions began  

Throughout the summer, Washington has been in the unenviable position of being either #1 or #2 for worst gasoline prices in the nation. According to AAA’s state-by-state gas price averages, California topped the nation with regular gas at $5.259 a gallon as of yesterday, while Washington was second at $5.063.

The top reason for these exorbitant gas prices is Washington’s “cap-and-trade” program, which took full effect this January. According to a recent Capital Press story, gas prices here are up $1.25 a gallon just since then, while prices nationwide have fallen by 70 cents over the past year.

Only California and Washington have a cap-and-tax law. It is not a coincidence that no other state has gas costing at least $5 a gallon. In fact, no other state is even close to $5 a gallon for gas.

The cap-and-trade law allows the state Department of Ecology to auction “carbon allowances.” The Capital Press goes on to report this month’s auction of carbon allowances brought Ecology’s year-to-date auction proceeds to a staggering $919.5 million. That is nearly $1 billion of your money being taken by the state for a program that is extremely unlikely to NOT reduce global carbon emissions at all. This is why I voted in 2021 against the bill that created the cap-and-trade program.

Lawsuit filed against new state law that weakens parents’ rights

A legal organization run by a former adviser to President Trump is challenging the new state law which allows shelters to notify state authorities but not parents when a young person seeks refuge to pursue what the law’s supporters call “gender-affirming care” or “reproductive health services.” Democrat majorities in the Legislature approved Senate Bill 5599 earlier this year. No Republican legislators supported the proposal, which took effect in July, because it weakens parents’ rights.  

America First Legal, headed by Stephen Miller, filed its lawsuit on behalf of eight Washington parents and two nonprofit groups that oppose this so-called “care” of children – International Partners for Ethical Care, Inc. and Advocates Protecting Children. The lawsuit argues the new law violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. 

The Washington State Standard story on the lawsuit is here.

Recent events and meetings

Meeting with “future big-leaguer” Jack Murray at August 16 Spokane Indians game.

Over the past several weeks, I have attended a number of meetings and events in the 4th Legislative District or nearby. Here is a recap of them:

  • Attended the city of Spokane Valley’s “State of the City Luncheon” at the Centerplace Regional Event Center on July 26.
  • Attended the Regional Small Arms Range and Training Facility tour in Medical Lake on August 8. The event was hosted by Spokane County Sheriff Nowels and Spokane Valley Police Department Chief Ellis.
  • Attended the Conservation District open house on August 10.
  • Attended the Spokane Indians baseball game against the Tri-City Dust Devils on August 16. In what was an exciting, back-and-forth contest, the Indians won 5-4 on a walk-off hit in the bottom of the ninth inning. During the top of the fifth inning, I was a guest in KGA radio’s booth during its broadcast of the game. You can hear the audio of that brief appearance here.
  • Took a tour of Spokane International Airport on August 18 to see the latest changes and improvements there.
  • Attended the Modern Electric board meeting yesterday.

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the interim we are conducting business from our district office in Spokane Valley. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (509) 921-2460

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Honoring fallen soldiers during Memorial Day ceremony

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers May 31, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

Dear friends and neighbors,

I hope all of you enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend. While the three-day weekend provides a great opportunity for us to gather with family and friends, it’s also a chance for us to honor our veterans who gave their lives to our nation so that we, as Americans, can enjoy our cherished freedoms and rights.

Thank you to our veterans, living and dead, who served our great nation, and thanks to those who currently serve in our military.

Members of the Rodgers High School Junior ROTC during the Memorial Day ceremony at Pines Cemetery.

On Monday, my wife Laura and I attended the Memorial Day ceremony, sponsored by Spokane Valley American Legion Post 241 and held at Pines Cemetery to honor our fallen veterans. As anyone who has been to one of these ceremonies knows, it is a somber occasion that makes you appreciate even more the tremendous sacrifice these soldiers made to serve and protect America. It also helps you understand the profound loss experienced by families who had a beloved relative join the service, never to return.  

Sen. Padden talks about the 2023 legislative session during Saturday’s 4th District town hall meeting.

On Saturday morning, I joined my 4th District seatmates, Reps. Leonard Christian and Suzanne Schmidt, in participating in a town hall meeting at CenterPlace in the Spokane Valley. Nearly 60 people attended the one-hour event, which included a recap of the recently ended 2023 legislative session, followed by a question-and-answer period. A special thank-you goes to those who took time during their three-day weekend to join us at the town hall.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Tomorrow is deadline for some to opt out of WA Cares program

WA Cares, our state’s new long-term care program, will be activated on July 1, despite strong efforts by legislative Republicans to repeal or modify this costly and flawed program.

The program will be funded by a very expensive payroll tax, in which those making $50,100 (the median income in Washington) will have $24 a month (or $288 a year) taken out of their paychecks unless they have already obtained an exemption approval letter by purchasing private, long-term care insurance.

The WA Care program provides a maximum lifetime benefit of only $36,500, payable at a maximum of $100 per day – even though the cost of care currently averages up to more than three times that. This program is not only extremely expensive for workers, it also falls short of providing benefits at the level many people will actually need.

I was one of several Republican legislators who offered bills to stop WA Cares from becoming reality. In 2022, I introduced Senate Bill 5234, which sought to repeal the WA Cares program and its payroll tax. However, Senate Democrats did not allow it to even receive a public hearing in committee.

The state Employment Security Department says certain individuals in Washington can still apply for an exemption from the payroll tax that funds WA Cares, but the deadline to apply is tomorrow (June 1).

People who are still eligible to opt out of WA Cares include:

  • Workers who are a spouse or domestic partner of an active-duty U.S. armed forces member.
  • Workers who work in Washington but live out of state.
  • Workers who have a temporary nonimmigrant visa like a H-2A or H-1B visa.

Those who want to apply for an exemption should follow the instructions available here.

Governor signs three Padden bills after session ends

I was on hand to watch Governor Inslee sign Senate Bill 5058, which will make it easier to build smaller condominium buildings. Also at the signing ceremony were Tricia Gullion (left) of the Building Industry Association of Washington and Spokane City Council member Betsy Wilkerson (right). 

During the weeks after the 2023 regular session ended on April 23, Governor Inslee signed three more bills that I introduced this session.

Senate Bill 5058 exempts buildings with 12 or fewer units that are no more than two stories high from the definition of “multiunit residential building.” Washington has one of the lower homeownership rates in the nation, and this bill would help our state address this problem. SB 5058 is one of several measures approved by the Legislature this year that aim to boost the supply of housing in Washington. This bill should result in condos that are less expensive, which should encourage more people to become homeowners.   

Senate Bill 5096 aids businesses looking to follow a business model that allows workers to be owners. Schweitzer Engineering, which has operations in the Spokane Valley, supported this bill, as did Ownership America.

Senate Bill 5218 makes mobility-improving equipment tax-exempt. This will help make motorized wheelchairs and similar equipment much less expensive to buy, helping people with disabilities to save money while also helping them maintain their independence. (This recent Seattle Times story on the Seattle Mariners recognizing ALS patients mentions how a motorized wheelchair can cost $60,000 nowadays.)

The laws created by all three bills take effect on July 23, as does Senate Bill 5033, another measure signed by the governor that I introduced this year. SB 5033 imposes longer sentences on sexually abusive jail and prison guards. I introduced the bill after KING-TV in Seattle reported about a prison guard in Clallam County who sexually abused several female inmates.

Legislative session recap given at Spokane Valley City Council meeting

Last night I attended the Spokane Valley City Council meeting, during which Brianna Murray provided a review of this year’s legislative session in Olympia. Brianna did a nice job discussing the highlights and lowlights of the session. Please click here to watch the city council meeting, including Brianna’s presentation.

Fuel prices rise sharply in recent days

If you noticed that fuel prices have risen significantly in recent days, you are now alone. This story published by The Center Square earlier this week pointed out the sharp increase in fuel prices over the three-day weekend.

The story’s lead paragraphs say it all:  

The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded was sitting at $4.68 statewide on Monday, up from $4.60 the week prior according to AAA data.

This holiday weekend price hike marks the 17th week this year of rising fuel prices for Washingtonians, following the implementation of the new carbon tax earlier this year.

As the story implies, one of the main culprits for the fuel price spike is the cap-and-trade program that went into effect in January. Since cap-and-trade became reality, fuel prices in Washington have become even higher than in Idaho. According to the state-by-state fuel price comparison compiled by AAA, regular unleaded gas in Washington costs an average of $4.697, compared to $3.857 in Idaho. This price difference of roughly 85 cents a gallon is bound to hurt Washington gas stations located near the Idaho border, as gas consumers will be tempted to drive a few miles east to save on fuel.

Updated 4th District government guide still available

My office recently produced and mailed an updated version of a 4th District government guide to many households in our district. If you did not receive a government guide and would like one, simply contact my district office at 509-921-2460. You also may pick up a free copy of the government guide at any of these locations:

Millwood City Hall…………………….9103 E Frederick Ave., Spokane

Argonne Library………………………..4322 N Argonne Road, Spokane

Spokane Valley City Hall……………10210 E Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley

Spokane Valley Library………………12004 E Main Ave., Spokane Valley

Liberty Lake City Hall………………….22710 E Country Vista Drive, Liberty Lake

Liberty Lake Library……………………23123 E Mission Ave., Liberty Lake

Otis Orchards Library…………………22324 E Wellesley Ave., Otis Orchards

Spokane Valley Senior Center…….2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the interim we are conducting business from our district office in Spokane Valley. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (509) 921-2460

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Senate resolution honors Seattle Mariners on 2022 playoff run

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers April 20, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

It was great to meet with former Seattle Mariners catcher Dan Wilson during his visit to the Capitol this morning. 

Dear friends and neighbors,

After more than 100 days of committee meetings and floor sessions in Olympia, this year’s regular legislative session will end this Sunday, April 23.

Before the Legislature wraps up for the year, there are still important tasks for the Senate and House to finish, including passage of a new two-year state operating budget. The two chambers also will need to reach final agreement on new two-year state capital and transportation budgets.

The Senate and House also will spend these final days negotiating on a handful of bills that are “in dispute,” meaning that one chamber disagrees with changes to a bill made by the second chamber.    

During a typical Senate floor session, members will debate and vote on a number of bills and amendments. But occasionally we also sponsor resolutions that are read aloud on the floor. The resolutions often recognize or honor notable individuals or group in our state. Sometimes, these resolutions recognize sports teams or athletes. One of the Northwest’s beloved pro sports teams was honored today.

The Senate took a couple of minutes from today’s busy floor schedule to pass a resolution congratulating the Seattle Mariners on reaching the 2022 American League playoffs and ending their 21-year postseason drought. After the resolution was read aloud and then approved by the Senate, a number of senators spoke about the team and its exciting season. You can watch a video of my floor speech on the resolution here.   

Earlier this morning, before the resolution was read on the floor, former Mariners catcher Dan Wilson came to the Capitol to meet with fans, sign autographs and have photos taken. I enjoyed chatting with Dan and hearing his thoughts on the current Mariners team and a couple of fun stories about his playing days. 

This newsletter covers several other issues and events happening in Olympia in this past week.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Legislature passes two Padden bills this week

I was pleased that the Legislature this week approved two of my bills.

Senate Bill 5218 would make the sale of motorized wheelchairs and other mobility-improving equipment tax-exempt. The House unanimously passed it on Monday after the Senate unanimously approved it on March 31. It has been sent to the governor for his signature. No signing date has been scheduled yet, but bills passed by the Legislature that are delivered to the governor more than five days before the Legislature adjourns must be acted on within five days (not counting Sundays) – otherwise they automatically become law. The governor has 20 days (except Sundays) to act on bills that are delivered fewer than five days before session ends.    

Senate Bill 5096 would aid businesses looking to adopt an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) corporate structure. The House unanimously passed an amended version of this bill on Monday. The Senate yesterday voted 48-0 to concur with the House’s changes, so this bill has been approved by the Legislature and soon will go to the governor.    

Last week, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 5058, which would help encourage home ownership in our state by making it easier for smaller condominium buildings to be constructed. It specifically would exempt buildings with 12 or fewer units that are no more than two stories from the definition of multiunit residential building. It was sent to Governor Inslee on Tuesday.

DUI lookback bill is still alive as part of HB 1493


House Bill 1493, which deals with impaired driving, includes language from SB 5032, my bipartisan proposal that would expand the period for reviewing prior convictions of impaired driving to 15 years, from the 10 years now in state law, when determining whether a new offense of impaired driving is charged as a felony. Under SB 5032, any person who has three or more prior DUI offenses within that 15-year lookback period would face a felony, rather than the current penalty of a gross misdemeanor. SB 5032 would give offenders a chance to undergo a highly structured treatment program.

After the Senate last week passed the version of HB 1493 that includes the language in SB 5032, the House on Monday refused to concur with the Senate’s changes to that bill, so the Senate today amended the measure in a way that will result in the House giving its final approval. Once that happens, the bill will go to the governor.     

Updated 4th District government guide still available

Every year or two, our office produces and mails a 4th District government guide to residents of our legislative district. With the help of my staff, we recently produced and sent out an updated government guide that includes helpful contact information on your local, state and federal government elected officials, as well as other government services. The online version of the new government guide can be found here.

If you did not receive the new government guide and would like a printed copy, please contact my legislative assistant, Irina, in our Olympia office by either calling at 360-786-7606 or emailing her at irina.dolbinina@leg.wa.gov.

Controversial bills still alive as session nears end

Over the past several days, the Senate and House reached agreement on a large number of bills. Most of these compromise measures received strong bipartisan support in the Senate.

But there have been some bad bills that I could not support that either have been passed by the Democrat majorities in the House and Senate or are still alive at this point of session.  

One very controversial bill that is still alive is Senate Bill 5599. Under this proposal, parents of runaway children seeking gender-affirming care would not be notified by a licensed shelter or host home if the child was taken in there. (The bill would require a shelter or host home to report to the Department of Children, Youth and Families within 72 hours of the child being there.) This proposal has caused a tidal wave of opposition from many people across the state. They have argued that the bill ignores the rights of parents to know where their children are.

After the Senate passed it 27-19 on March 1, the House amended and then approved the bill 57-39 on April 12, just before the House’s floor cutoff. (The Spokesman-Review published this story earlier this week on the House passing SB 5599.) The Senate yesterday voted along party lines, 29-20, to concur (or agree) with the House changes to the bill, so, unfortunately, it has been approved by the Legislature and soon will be sent to the governor.  

Another controversial bill that is still alive this session is Senate Bill 5352, which deals with vehicle pursuits. As some of you know, the Democrat-controlled Legislature in 2021 severely weakened Washington’s vehicle-pursuit law by allowing law-enforcement officers to pursue a suspect only if they have probable cause to believe the driver has committed a violent or sexual crime, or escaped from jail. The 2021 law also allows pursuits for reasonable suspicion of DUI. But the law prohibits pursuits for auto thefts and burglaries.

Since the 2021 law went into effect, auto thefts in Washington have skyrocketed. According to a report by the National Insurance Crime Bureau, auto thefts rose 31% in Washington from 2021 to 2022, the second-largest increase after Illinois. The total number of vehicle thefts in our state last year was 46,939, which ranks Washington third after only California and Texas, the two most populous states in the America. (Washington is the 13th most populous state.) 

SB 5352 would lower the threshold for law enforcement to chase suspects from probable cause to reasonable suspicion of violent and sex crimes. Pursuits for domestic violence and vehicular assaults also would be allowed under the proposal.

I voted against this bill because it doesn’t get the job done in restoring officers’ ability to pursue suspects. For instance, under SB 5352, officers still could not chase after people suspected of auto theft or reckless driving. Because SB 5352 still restricts officers from pursuing auto-theft suspects, this crime will continue to be a huge problem here in Washington.

The Senate originally passed SB 5352 in March. After the House amended and then approved it 57-40 on April 10, the Senate voted 26-22 on Monday  to concur with the House’s changes to the proposal, so it will soon go to Governor Inslee for his consideration.

A third bad bill that has passed is House Bill 1240, which would ban the sale or purchase in our state of modern sporting rifles. After the Senate had amended and then passed HB 1240 on April 8, the House refused to concur with the Senate’s changes, so the bill returned to our chamber, where Senate Democrats voted to remove the Senate’s original amendments and then adopt new amendments.  Under the most recent amendment that was approved by the Senate Democrats, firearms dealers in Washington would be allowed to sell or transfer their existing stock of firearms affected by the ban – provided they were acquired before Jan. 1, 2023. However, the sales could only be to out-of-state customers, and only for 90 days after the governor signs the measure into law). The House yesterday voted 56-42 to agree with the latest version of HB 1240, so it will go to the governor.

I have voted against each version of HB 1240 because it restricts the rights of gun owners.

Bill to raise property-tax cap won’t pass this year, says Senate Democrat

In recent weeks, one of the more controversial bills to appear this session was Senate Bill 5770. It would triple the cap (to 3%, from the current 1%) on annual increases in the property taxes levied by state and local governments. The 1% cap was first implemented by the voters in 2001, through Initiative 747; after the state Supreme Court declared it invalid six years later, a Democrat-controlled Legislature quickly reinstated the 1% limit with the blessing of a Democratic governor (former Gov. Gregoire).

Following a huge outcry by Republicans and property owners, the bill’s prime sponsor, Sen. Jamie Pedersen, D-Seattle, told The Center Square in an email that “SB 5770 will not be advancing this year.” (You can read The Center Square article here.) That is good news for homeowners and property owners. But as he specified “this year,” we must expect another push for this unpopular measure next year.

KVI Radio interview on transgender men housed in women’s prison

This morning I did a live phone interview with Seattle-based KVI Radio talk show host John Carlson. We discussed transgender men being housed in a state women’s corrections facility. I also provided an update on the legislative session. You can hear that interview here

Fuel prices continue to rise, thanks to “cap-and-trade”

When the Democrat-controlled Legislature in 2021 passed the Climate Commitment Act, creating a “cap-and-trade” program that went into effect this Jan. 1, the governor claimed that “cap-and-trade” would raise fuel prices by only a few cents a gallon.

Anybody who has bought gas or diesel in the past few months will tell you the governor is very wrong. According to this story by the Washington Policy Center’s Todd Myers, since Jan. 1, our state’s “gas prices have increased between 35 and 52 cents more than neighboring state since the state launched a tax on CO2 emissions at the beginning of the year. (See chart above that was featured in the WPC story.) Despite the clear data, state politicians and agency staff refuse to acknowledge the cost of the increases and aren’t helping residents deal with the impact of the costs.”

Todd’s story points out that the difference between Washington’s gas prices and the average of Oregon and Idaho increased by about 44 cents per gallon since the beginning of this year. This significant difference will make it very tempting for some drivers living near the state border to cross into Idaho to fuel up. That would hurt Washington gas stations located near the border.  

The Climate Commitment Act included language that would have exempted fuel for farming, barging, maritime and aviation from higher costs caused by the cap-and-trade program. However, farmers and others have not received this exemption. They continue to pay the extra cost created by cap-and-trade. Bills were introduced this session to implement this exemption, but they went nowhere. It is wrong for the Department of Ecology, which is in charge of the cap-and-trade program, to not fix this problem and make the expected exemption a reality. DOE and Governor Inslee need to fix this problem soon this year before wheat grown on eastern Washington farms is harvested and shipped via barge down the Snake and Columbia rivers.  

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Despite stable state coffers, Democrats want to create ‘wealth tax’

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers March 16, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

The 2023 legislative session is now in its 10th week, with five weeks to go. April 23 is the scheduled last day.

As the Legislature approaches the home stretch of this year’s session, there is still plenty of work ahead. At the top of the to-do list are passing new two-year state operating, capital and transportation budgets.

Democrat  budget writers are expected to unveil their operating budget proposal late next week, just days after the next state revenue forecast is released. House Democrat budget writers likely will release their spending plan a few days later after the Senate budget comes out.

One big question leading up to next week’s operating budget rollout is whether the Democrats will propose new or higher taxes. The most recent state revenue forecast, released last November, revealed that state revenues are expected to increase by $545 million for the 2021-23 biennium (which ends June 30) and $684 million for the 2023-25 budget cycle. In terms of total dollars, it showed the state with $60.779 billion in revenue for the current biennium and $62.966 billion for the 2023-25 biennium. There is no need for any new taxes.   

A recent example is the capital-gains/state income-tax proposal that was passed by majority Democrats and signed by Governor Inslee in 2021. (That tax was ruled unconstitutional in March 2022. An appeal of the ruling is before the state Supreme Court, which heard arguments in the case in late January. There is no word on when the court will issue its ruling.)

Although our state has plenty of money in its coffers, that apparently is not enough to satisfy some legislators. A new and notable example is Senate Bill 5486, which was introduced by 36th District Sen. Noel Frame, a Seattle Democrat. SB 5486 would establish what some call a “wealth tax” – a 1 percent tax on “financial intangible assets” in excess of $250 million.

Republicans oppose this bill because the sponsors clearly want to create another way to take away money from people, even though the state already has enough money. Instead of continually trying to target those in a particular income bracket, the bill’s sponsors should focus on getting the most out of existing tax dollars and making state government more efficient.

The Democrats’ wealth-tax bill received a public hearing last week in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. Because it is a bill that is considered “necessary to implement the budget,” SB 5486 has been exempted from any of the deadlines for Senate bills to be passed.

Many people testified either in favor of or in opposition of SB 5486. The testimony of two people who testified against the bill, anti-tax activist Tim Eyman and Association of Washington Business official Emily Shay, made good points on why the bill should not be approved by the Legislature. You can watch their testimony here.     

Other Republicans and I will continue to fight this unnecessary and harmful proposal and try to prevent it from being approved.

This newsletter covers several other issues and events happening in Olympia in this past week.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Bill targeting catalytic-converter thefts receives Senate hearing

The fastest-growing crime problem in Washington in the past couple of years is catalytic-converter thefts. Catalytic converters use elements like platinum to make vehicle exhaust less harmful, and this crime has skyrocketed over the past two years as precious-metal prices have increased. Thieves can crawl under a car and saw a catalytic converter out of an exhaust system in minutes – or less – which leaves the vehicle owner in a real bind.

About 4,000 catalytic-converter thefts were reported in Washington in 2021, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, ranking the state third in the U.S. Preliminary figures for 2022 put our state on pace to match or surpass that figure.

On Tuesday, the Senate Law and Justice Committee held a public hearing on Senate Bill 5740, which aims to deter catalytic-converter thefts. One of my colleagues, 19th District Sen. Jeff Wilson of Longview, is the bill’s prime sponsor, and I’m a co-sponsor.

SB 5740 would target the crime rings behind our state’s fastest-growing crime by going after those who purchase stolen catalytic converters in order to recycle them for their valuable precious-metal content.

Under this proposal, those who purchase catalytic converters removed from vehicles must:

  • Obtain a valid license as a scrap dealer or an auto wrecker.
  • Post it on display at their place of business.
  • Keep meticulous records of each transaction, including a photocopy of the seller’s driver license.
  • Promptly report any transaction to police that appears to be suspicious.

Anyone purchasing five or more catalytic converters without a license would be guilty of a Class B felony, trafficking in catalytic converters, which is punishable by up to seven years in prison. Purchase of four or fewer would be a Class C felony.

SB 5740 is exempt from last week’s floor cutoff for Senate bills to be passed by the Senate because it is considered necessary to implement the operating budget.  There still is work to be done on this bill.

Padden bills update

Sen. Padden testifying on one of his bills earlier this session. 

Two of the bills that I introduced earlier this session have seen action in House committees this week.

On Tuesday I testified before the House Innovation, Community and Economic Development, and Veterans Committee in favor of my Senate Bill 5096, which would aid businesses looking to adopt an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) corporate structure. This bill promotes employee ownership, which is good, not only for our employees but for society. Studies have shown that employee-owners are happier, they stay in their job longer and they retire in a much better financial position. Also, employee-owned companies are more likely to stay locally. Additionally, this bill would help those businesses looking to adopt an ESOP. Bryan Richter of Schweitzer Engineering testified in support of the bill. The committee has scheduled a vote on SB 5096 tomorrow morning.  

This morning the House Community Safety, Justice and Reentry Committee unanimously approved Senate Bill 5033, a bipartisan measure that would impose longer sentences on sexually abusive jail and prison guards. The bill would reclassify the crime of first-degree custodial sexual misconduct as a Class B felony, allowing a prison term of 10 years instead of the current five-year maximum.

Officers who work in our state’s correctional facilities are part of the law-enforcement community. Like all the other officers who serve the public, corrections officers must be held to a high standard, especially considering the unique level of authority they have over people in custody. SB 5033 would increase the punishment for corrections officers who sexually assault or abuse inmates in the course of their jobs.

The bill was inspired by a KING-TV investigation about a Clallam County jail guard, John Gray, who was convicted in 2021 of two felony and two misdemeanor counts of custodial sexual misconduct and served 13 months of his 20-month sentence.

Changes with Senate office staff

An e-newsletter in January shared a photo of my Senate office staff for this year’s session. The office staff recently underwent some changes. Scott Staley, my legislative assistant earlier this session, recently left this position for personal reasons, and we will miss him very much. Irina Dolbinina, who began the year as my session aide, is now my legislative assistant for the remainder of the session. Ethan Mettlin, who served as my session intern, will be the session aide through the end of April.   

Expect higher fuel prices following state’s first carbon auction

When the Democrat majorities in the Legislature passed the so-called “Climate Commitment Act” two years ago, supporters of the law contended that the “cap-and-trade” program it created would not be very costly to fuel companies or consumers. Now it looks like they will be wrong.

Earlier this month, the state Department of Ecology announced the results from the state’s first carbon-allowance auction, which was mandated by the CCA. The recent auction is the first of a series of quarterly auctions under the law. The estimate in 2021 was that carbon “allowances” under the cap-and-trade program would cost $22.78 per metric ton of carbon. But the recent auction showed these allowances costing $48.50, more than double the cost some had predicted.

The $48.50 allowance would translate to 39 cents per gallon for gasoline and 47 cents a gallon for diesel. Although the advocates for the Climate Commitment Act might argue that oil companies would absorb these extra costs, that is not realistic. It’s much more likely that any additional costs somehow will be passed on to consumers, who already have faced high fuel prices over the past year or two.

Photos with visitors this week

On Wednesday, I had meetings with several people in my office to discuss various issues before the Legislature this session. The top photo shows me with officials with the Washington Auto Dealers Association (from left to right are Anthony Brock, Kristin Goffand Mario Wierzchowski). The bottom photo shows me with Sarah Davenport-Smith from Human Life of Washington.

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.

Opposing bill to make assisted suicide easier

Note: The following e-newsletter was sent to Sen. Padden’s subscribers Feb. 17, 2023. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletter, click here.

In 2008, Washington voters approved Initiative 1000, which established the so-called “Death with Dignity Act.” Opponents call it “Assisted Suicide Expansion.” 

Efforts have been made the last two years to remove what was sold as safeguards when the Initiative was passed. Those efforts failed. Again this year there is another effort being promoted that would make it easier for some patients to seek assisted suicide.

Senate Bill 5179 would add advanced registered nurse practitioners and physician assistants to the category of health-care providers authorized to order the lethal drugs. The bill also would reduce the required 15-day waiting period between the first and second oral requests for life-ending medications to seven days and would eliminate the 48-hour waiting period for such medications once a written request is made. Even the seven days is misleading because the lethal drugs can be administered immediately if the death appears imminent. In addition, the requirement for a second opinion has been eliminated. Safeguards are gone.

The measure was passed by the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee 6-4, although there appeared to be some uneasiness among the majority.

Before the committee passed SB 5179 along party lines, I outlined some of the reasons why I opposed this measure. You can view and listen to my comments on SB 5179 here.

When the bill received a public hearing before the committee, good arguments were made as to why the Legislature should not pass it: This bill would do more harm than good. It would further normalize suicides, and would remove safeguards that were put in by the original law to protect vulnerable patients. The current waiting period allows people the time to reflect and change their mind, but this bill would cut down that time drastically. The terminally ill have declining decision capacity, which gives them impaired capacity to make the decision to end their life. Vulnerable patients might make rash decisions and a bad day could be their last day. This bill would increase assisted suicides and worsen the existing law. The bill is opposed by Disability Rights Washington, American Medical Association, Washington State Medical Association, Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, Physicians for Compassionate Care Educational Foundation, Patients Right Action Fund, Washington State Catholic Conference, Family Policy Institute of Washington, Human Life of Washington and many others.

This newsletter covers a number of other issues and events happening in Olympia in this past week.

If you have questions about how to participate in state government this year or thoughts to share on anything in this e-newsletter, please give me a call or send me an email.

Thank you, as always, for the honor of serving as your state senator!

Best Regards,

Senator Mike Padden

Senate passes bill that addresses affordable housing 

The Senate on Wednesday unanimously approved a bill that I introduced that would help create more affordable housing and help encourage home ownership in Washington by making it easier for smaller condominium buildings to be constructed.

Senate Bill 5058 would exempt buildings with 12 or fewer units that are no more than two stories from the definition of multiunit residential building. The Senate passed the proposal 48-0.

Washington has one of the lowest homeownership rates in the nation. This proposal would help address the lack of affordable housing in our state. In fact, a number of Washington cities with limited land area expressed support for this measure.

SB 5058 now goes to the House of Representatives for further consideration.

DUI ‘lookback’ bill receives Ways and Means hearing

Senate Bill 5032, my proposal to combat impaired driving on Washington roads, continues to be in play this session. The Senate Ways and Means Committee held a public hearing on SB 5032 on Monday.

The measure would expand the period for reviewing prior convictions of impaired driving to 15 years, from the 10 years now in state law, when determining whether a new offense of impaired driving is charged as a felony. The proposal would increase the penalty from a gross misdemeanor to a felony offense for any person who has three or more prior DUI offenses within that “lookback” period.

According to statistics compiled by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, Washington road deaths reached a 20-year high in 2021. There were 670 traffic deaths in 2021, including 272 fatalities involving drug-impaired driving and 155 deaths involving alcohol-impaired driving. In 2020, Washington had 574 traffic fatalities, including 214 involving drug-impaired driving and 135 involving alcohol-impaired driving. The commission has a current preliminary estimate of 745 traffic fatalities in 2022. No 2022 figures on traffic deaths involving drug- or alcohol-impaired driving are available yet.

Our state has seen an alarming increase in traffic deaths over the past few years, and drunk driving and drug-impaired driving are two leading causes. This bill would help get the most dangerous drivers off the road and into treatment. Preventing impaired driving should be a key goal in our state. We’ve seen too many accidents and fatalities caused by drunk and drug-impaired drivers, especially repeat offenders. This bill could help reverse this tragic trend.

SB 5032 was approved earlier this session by the Senate Law and Justice Committee and Senate Transportation Committee. February 24 is the deadline for the Ways and Means Committee to pass Senate bills sent to that panel.

Washington’s ‘carbon tax’ costing drivers more at the pump

Have you noticed a sharp hike in gasoline prices in recent weeks? If you have, you are not alone.

The Washington Policy Center recently posted a story about how the price hike in gas is due to the “carbon tax” that is part of the “Climate Commitment Act” enacted by the Democratic majorities in the Legislature in 2021. Opponents of this law, which created what some call the “cap-and-trade” (or “cap-and-tax”) program, have argued for two years that it would result in sharp fuel increases.

Much of the WPC article in especially noteworthy:

Gas price data from the EIA is released on Monday, and this week Washington’s gas prices have increased about 26 cents per gallon since the beginning of the year compared to other Western states (minus California). The price of Regular gasoline in Washington stayed flat, but declined about two cents per gallon in the rest of the West.

The AAA gas price data tell a slightly different story, with the difference between Washington and other states declining since last week. Compared to the rest of the West, Washington’s prices have increased about 22 cents per gallon since the beginning of the year. And while last week, Washington’s prices were about 25 cents per gallon more than the average of AAA’s prices for Oregon and Idaho, a big increase in Idaho’s prices in the last week means that our price is now 17 cents per gallon more than the average of those two states since the beginning of the year.

Using the EIA and AAA data for Washington compared to the West coast, the average increase is about 24 cents per gallon. If we include the Idaho/Oregon comparison, it goes down to about 22 cents per gallon. The large variability in Idaho is a reminder that there are other factors at play in driving prices, so all numbers should include a margin of error.

Twenty-four cents per gallon equates to about $31 per metric ton of CO2. This is also the price two people have reported to me that propane dealers are adding to their bill. Until the actual price of the tax is set in late February, that looks like the price most companies are settling on.

There are complaints from some in the agriculture and marine sectors that the CO2 tax is being applied to their fuel costs when it should not be. Both sectors were carved out in the legislation but there is confusion about how to apply those rules on the ground. One bill has already been introduced to develop a system to address these uncertainties.

This complexity is a problem with the cap-and-trade system. The rules were rushed into place and fuel distributors are still having to guess at the actual cost of the tax because the Department of Ecology isn’t holding the first auction for allowances until the end of February. Similarly, the challenges of implementing the complex system, like those being faced by the agricultural sector, should have been anticipated. A recent report comparing a flat tax on CO2 to a cap-and-trade system noted that it “requires an entirely new administrative agency to create and track allowances, hold auctions, and develop rules to prevent fraud and abuse.” My guess is that we will see more implementation challenges in the upcoming months.

Bill seeks to make ‘The Evergreen State’ Washington’s official nickname

Most Washingtonians, even many schoolchildren, know that Washington is referred to as “The Evergreen State” thanks to the many coniferous forests – including Douglas firs and cedars on the west side of the Cascades and ponderosa pines on the east side – that stand tall throughout Washington.

The nickname for Washington was used by Gov. John H. McGraw in his 1893 inaugural address, and has been considered by the Legislature for official designation, but it has never been adopted.

It’s surprising to learn that “The Evergreen State” is not Washington’s official nickname, though many assume it is. But there is a bill before the Legislature this session to change that.

Senate Bill 5595, a bipartisan measure prime-sponsored by my Republican colleague, 19th District Sen. Jeff Wilson of Longview, would designate “The Evergreen State” as Washington’s official nickname. I am one of 39 co-sponsors on the bill.

The state nickname proposal was approved last Friday by the Senate State Government and Elections Committee and is now on the second reading calendar, which means it could receive a Senate floor vote soon. 

Contact us!

If you have a question or concern about state government, please do not hesitate to contact our office. During the session we are conducting business from our Senate office in Olympia. We are here to serve you!

Phone: (360) 786-7606

Olympia Office: 215 Legislative Modular Building, Olympia, WA 98504-0404

Email address: Mike.Padden@leg.wa.gov

PLEASE NOTE: Any email or documents you provide to this office may be subject to disclosure under RCW 42.56. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please contact Sen. Padden’s Olympia office at (360) 786-7606.

To request public records from Sen. Padden, please contact Randi Stratton, the designated public records officer for the Secretary of the Senate and Senate members.