Accused rapist puts new sanctuary state law under the microscope
Last week, Brandi Kruse, a reporter for Seattle’s Fox Q13, tweeted: “If you’re an elected leader in our state who fought for sanctuary policies, be willing to step up and answer the hard questions when those policies hurt people. Not shirk away as if one woman’s pain and suffering is...
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Taxpayers on the hook for 88% jump in cost of Inslee’s security
It’s hard to shock me these days, but the ability of some in Olympia to take the taxpayers to the cleaners just managed to do it. Recently, Governor Jay Inslee signed legislation resulting in more than a billion dollars of unnecessary new taxes, putting the cherry on top of what...
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Governor signs Padden bill to require mediation between elected officials before lawsuits begin
Measure will save taxpayers money, says Spokane Valley lawmaker Today Sen. Mike Padden’s legislation to avoid costly litigation between elected officials was signed into law. “This new law is a common-sense way to deal with disputes between elected officials before they escalate into lawsuits that cost taxpayers money,” said Padden,...
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Work continues from the district
The 2019 legislative session is over, and many of us are still coming to terms with the aftermath of the majority’s implementation of its agenda. There was a lack of transparency and proper legislative process that saw major tax hikes passing during late night hours of the last days of...
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Padden bill banning organ-transplant discrimination signed into law
Today Sen. Mike Padden’s anti-discrimination legislation to protect people with developmental disabilities who are seeking organ transplants was signed into law. Substitute Senate Bill 5405 cleared the Legislature on April 24 with unanimous support. “I am pleased that Washington has spoken clearly, with one voice, that all lives have value,”...
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Session ends — new taxes and bigger government headed your way
The following newsletter was sent to Sen. Mike Padden’s subscribers May 2, 2019. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletters, click here. At midnight Sunday in the Senate, crowds await the final gavel ending the 2019 legislative session. New taxes and bigger government headed your way Session ends, and long-ranging problems can be...
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Senator dismayed by failure of DUI bill, will try again
OLYMPIA – Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, says he will try again next year to pass a bill that would send more repeat impaired drivers to prison, after a disappointing failure in the final hours of the 2019 legislative session. House Bill 1504 would have extended the “look-back” in DUI...
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Transportation, capital budgets provide funding for 4th Legislative District projects
OLYMPIA – Improvements to I-90 in the eastern Spokane Valley and other public works construction for the 4th Legislative District were among many projects OK’d by lawmakers as they passed capital and transportation budgets Sunday, the final day of the 2019 legislative session. Other appropriations for the 4th District include...
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Taxes? Immunizations? Sanctuary state? Big issues in doubt in Olympia
The following newsletter was sent to Sen. Mike Padden’s subscribers April 25, 2019. To subscribe to Sen. Padden’s newsletters, click here. Busy floor sessions are commonplace as the Legislature heads toward adjournment. Waiting for a deal as Legislature’s adjournment nears Legislature due to adjourn Sunday, but major issues, DUI bill...
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