Author Archives: fdgadmin

Padden schedules Feb. 6 hearing for parental-notification bill

OLYMPIA… The Senate Law and Justice Committee will have a public hearing next week on legislation that would require an underage girl’s parent or guardian to be notified before she can have an abortion.padden_pq

Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, said Senate Bill 5156  will come before the committee he leads at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6. The measure would require that one parent or guardian receive 48 hours’ actual notice from the person intending to provide the abortion. Continue reading

Senator Padden on parental notification

Audio FileWashington State’s 4th District Senator, Mike Padden, Chair of the Senate Law and Justice Committee, talks about a bill requiring parents to be notified when their juvenile child has an abortion. This on the same day that thousands gathered on the capitol steps in Olympia for the annual March for Life demonstration.

Padden says committee will have hearing on abortion-notification bill

OLYMPIA… Sen. Mike Padden says the Senate Law and Justice Committee will have a public hearing on a bill that would require a girl’s parent or guardian to be notified before she can have an padden_pqabortion.

Padden, R-Spokane Valley, is among the 18 sponsors of Senate Bill 5156, which was introduced Monday but is not yet scheduled for a hearing. He said it’s a proposal that has support from parents regardless of their views on abortion. Continue reading

Law and Justice committee to discuss problem of binge drinking

Friday meeting to include hearing on Padden’s college DUI-court legislation

OLYMPIA…Sen. Mike Padden knows the Legislature can’t prevent binge drinking. Still, the chairman of the Senate Law and Justice Committee has called a Friday-morning work session to bring the topic into the policy-making arena and consider a new approach to addressing the problem.

The committee meets at 8 a.m. in Hearing Room 1 of the John A. Cherberg Building on the Capitol Campus. It also will hear Senate Bill 5023, Padden’s legislation to let Washington colleges and universities convene DUI courts. Continue reading

Budget, human services, corrections added to Padden’s slate


Spokane Valley solon already tapped to lead Senate Law and Justice Committee  

The 2013 legislative session will convene at noon Monday with three committees on Sen. Mike Padden’s list. In addition to heading the Senate Law and Justice Committee, Padden will serve on the Senate Human Services and Corrections Committee and the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

“It’s a great combination: families, justice and fiscal responsibility,” said Padden, R-Spokane Valley. Continue reading

Spokane native joins Padden’s legislative team

Spokane native Angela Wolfe has joined the legislative team of Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, in time for the 2013 legislative session, which begins next Monday. Wolfe brings education experience and a spirit of service to the residents of the 4th Legislative District.

“I’m thrilled to have Angela on my talented team in the state Senate,” Padden said. “Her years of education experience and her intimate knowledge of the district will make her an invaluable addition.” Continue reading

Spokane native joins Sen. Mike Padden’s legislative team

Mike PaddenSpokane native Angela Wolfe has joined the legislative team of Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, in time for the 2013 legislative session, which begins next Monday. Wolfe brings education experience and a spirit of service to the residents of the 4th Legislative District.

“I’m thrilled to have Angela on my talented team in the state Senate,” Padden said. “Her years of education experience and her intimate knowledge of the district will make her an invaluable addition.” Continue reading