Tag Archives: nuts

Padden bill requested by Girl Scout to help pollinators passed by Legislature

Last fall, a Mount Spokane High School student working to earn a major Girl Scout award approached 4th District Sen. Mike Padden to help with part of her pollinator project.

Several months later, what began as a request is now a bill to help bees and pollinators that has been approved by the Legislature.

The Senate today voted 49-0 to concur or agree with the House of Representatives’ amendments to Senate Bill 5934, a bipartisan measure introduced by Padden that aims to promote the use of pollinator-friendly shrubs or bushes in landscaping. The proposal now goes to Gov. Jay Inslee for final consideration.

“Pollinators, including bees and butterflies, play a very important role in the pollination of crops, contributing to the production of fruits, vegetables and nuts,” said Padden, noting that 75% of the world’s food supply depends on pollinators. “They play a vital role in sustaining agriculture.  Taking steps to protect and enhance pollinators is very important to both agriculture and the environment.”

Padden credits Mount Spokane High School senior Julia Costello for asking him to sponsor the pollinator bill.

“Julia is a Girl Scout working to finish requirements to earn the Gold Award, which is equivalent to earning the Eagle Scout award as a Boy Scout,” said Padden. “One of Julia’s Gold Award requirements is working with a legislator on sponsoring a bill. Julia made a strong case why improving pollinators’ habitat is important and beneficial. It has been an honor and pleasure working with her on this bill. I’m pleased the Legislature has passed her bill.”

Costello’s testimony in favor of the bill during its public hearing before the House Local Government Committee last month can be viewed here.

Spokane Conservation District Director Vicki Carter sent a letter to Padden in January in support of the proposal. Part of Carter’s letter reads: Pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other insects, play a fundamental role in the pollination of crops, contributing to the production of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Their vital role in sustaining agriculture cannot be overstated, as approximately 75% of the world’s food crops depend on pollinators for successful reproduction. Therefore, taking steps to protect and enhance pollinator populations is essential for ensuring food security and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.”

Under the proposal, a local government may encourage but need not require applicants for project or commercial-building permits to include pollinator-friendly plants in any landscaped area.

(CAPTION: Mount Spokane High School student Julia Costello testifies in favor of Senate Bill 5934 earlier this legislative session.)