Tag Archives: Mike Padden

Senate passes Padden bill to support free eyeglasses for the poor

Mike PaddenCalling it simply the “right thing to do,” Sen. Mike Padden today applauded the Senate’s passage of his bill to give legal protection to charitable organizations that are working to provide much-needed eyeglasses to our state’s poor, homeless and uninsured.

“I am glad to see such broad support for this common-sense measure to get government out of the way, and simply allow these organizations to do the good work they feel called to do,” said Padden, prime sponsor of Senate Bill 6216.

The Spokane Valley senator introduced the bill in response to a Washington Board of Optometry decision last year that interpreted federal law as preventing used glasses from being redistributed without a prescription.

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Padden to hold telephone town-hall meeting with 4th District residents

Hour-long community event begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15

Mike PaddenState Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, is inviting residents of the 4th Legislative District to participate in a telephone town-hall meeting Wednesday, Feb. 15. The live community forum regarding the 2012 legislative session and issues that directly impact eastern Washington residents will take place from 7 to 8 p.m.

While many 4th District residents can expect an invitational phone call from Padden a few minutes prior to the telephone town-hall, those who do not may also participate from the comfort of their own homes by dialing 1-877-229-8493 and entering the code 19371.

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Padden B&O tax relief bill clears Senate committee

Mike PaddenThe Senate Economic Development, Trade & Innovation Committee on Wednesday gave a “do pass” recommendation to a bill introduced by Sen. Mike Padden that would bring much needed relief to new businesses.

Senate Bill 6327 would create a one-year exemption from the state business and occupation (B&O) tax for all new businesses and a two-year exemption for new businesses employing fewer than 25 people, plus a 50 percent exemption in the third year.

“I am very pleased to see that this major reform is still alive for this session,” said Padden, R-Spokane Valley. “New and small businesses are crucial to Washington’s economic recovery and this measure would go a long way toward helping these businesses grow, take risks and invest in jobs for the people of this state.”

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Padden votes against Senate bill to redefine marriage, offers amendments to protect religious liberty

Mike PaddenThe Senate tonight, by a vote of 28 to 21, passed Senate Bill 6239, a measure that would redefine marriage in Washington to include relationships between same-sex couples. Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, voted against the bill, and offered this statement:

“Marriage has always been understood to be a comprehensive relationship between a man and woman, as husband and wife, grounded in their complementary nature and their ability to naturally conceive and give birth to children, and serve as father and mother.

“The state has always recognized the special nature of that relationship and its benefits for society as a whole, but the state did not create or define marriage. Marriage was created by society and the church prior to the creation of the state. In fact, the institution of marriage, as well as its definition and purposes, pre-dates all reliable recorded history. To change such a fundamental pillar of our society is not only foolish, but dangerous.

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Padden bill to suspend B&O tax for startups heard in key committee

Relief measure could benefit 90,000 businesses over the next four years

Mike PaddenWashington’s business and occupation (B&O) tax is widely regarded as one of the most onerous and punitive taxes that new and small businesses face. Spokane Valley Republican Sen. Mike Padden is now taking aim at this leading cause of business failures in Washington, proposing a one-year exemption from the state B&O tax for all new businesses and a two-year exemption for new businesses employing fewer than 25 people.

Padden’s bipartisan small-business relief measure, Senate Bill 6327, received a public hearing today in the Senate Economic Development, Trade & Innovation Committee.

“The Legislature must consider removing some of the job-strangling barriers to new businesses,” Padden said.

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Senate committee hears Padden bill to support eyewear for the poor

Mike PaddenSen. Mike Padden today told the Senate Health and Long-Term Care Committee that Washington should protect those charitable organizations that are working to provide much-needed eyewear to our state’s poor, homeless and uninsured from civil lawsuits.

“Organizations like the Union Gospel Mission and Lions Club International are providing an important service for our community,” said Padden. “These organizations help improve the vision of thousands of poor and uninsured people in eastern Washington by distributing donated eyeglasses to those who otherwise would go without.

“My bill would give these organizations protection against civil lawsuits, freeing them to continue their good and charitable work for some of our state’s most needy citizens.”

Padden, R-Spokane Valley, is the prime sponsor of Senate Bill 6216, which received a public hearing before the health care committee. The bipartisan measure would grant immunity from liability to nonprofit and charitable corporations that distribute used eyeglasses free of charge to people who are at least 14 years old.

This immunity would apply only if the eyeglasses are provided by a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist who personally examined the person receiving the eyeglasses or consulted with a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist who personally examined the eyeglass recipient.

The bill is in response to a Washington Board of Optometry decision last year that interpreted federal law as preventing used glasses from being redistributed without a prescription.

“For those in need, a pair of used eyeglasses can be a God-send,” said Padden “We should make it as easy as possible for them to get the help they need from those willing to provide it.”

Senate recognizes Spokane Valley’s national Pop Warner champions

Padden recognizes Spokane Valley Bengals on Senate FloorOn Dec. 3 the Spokane Valley Bengals capped a perfect season by capturing the national Pop Warner football championship in the Mighty-Mites division. On Friday the team, its coaches and the players’ parents were recognized in a resolution adopted by the Washington State Senate.

Spokane Valley is in the Fourth Legislative District represented by Sen. Mike Padden, who highlighted the endeavors of the 2011 Bengals team with Senate Resolution 8668.

“Anyone who has seen a gigantic effort come from a small frame, but a big heart can appreciate the hard work and dedication that went into the great season and inspiring championship-game victory of the Bengals,” said Padden, who has resided in Spokane Valley for 33 years. “From the kids to the coaches to the parents, the Bengals’ 2011 season exemplifies the excellence in athletics and determination for success that makes all of us in the Spokane Valley, and all of Eastern Washington, very proud.”

SR 8668 recounts the path taken by the Bengals on their way to becoming national champions.  After going undefeated in their regular season the group of 18 boys, aged seven to nine, became just one of eight elite “Mighty-Mite” teams chosen by Pop Warner scouts from across the nation to play for the national championship at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Fla. The Bengals completed their journey by beating the Irondequoit (N.Y.) Eagles by a score of 28-6.

Padden’s resolution concludes with:

“WHERE AS, The Bengals have proven that the success and distinction of the Spokane area sports team knows no age. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That it is with great respect that the Washington State Senate honor the accomplishments and excellence exemplified by the 2011 Spokane Valley Bengals football team for winning the National Championship title.”

Padden to oppose governor’s same-sex marriage proposal

Mike PaddenGov. Chris Gregoire today reiterated her support for allowing gays and lesbians to marry and urged legislators to pass her proposed legislation to legalize same-sex marriage in Washington. Today Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued this statement in response to the governor’s proposal:

“I do not support changing the traditional definition of marriage. I will oppose any bill that attempts to redefine marriage as anything other than its historic definition as a union of one man and one woman.

“Marriage has always been understood as a comprehensive relationship between a man and woman, as husband and wife, grounded in their complementary nature and their ability to naturally conceive and give birth to children, as father and mother.

“The state has always recognized the special nature of that relationship and its benefits for society as a whole.”

Former judge Mike Padden sworn in as new 4th District state senator

Mike PaddenMike Padden, a 33-year resident of the Spokane Valley and former district court judge, returned to the Legislature today when he took the oath of office as the new state senator from the 4th Legislative District.  Padden won a Nov. 8 special election to fill the seat that came open earlier this year when Sen. Bob McCaslin resigned for health reasons.

“I am very honored and humbled to be given this opportunity to once again represent my friends and neighbors in the Fourth District,” said Padden, who previously served as a citizen legislator in Olympia for more than 14 years in the state House, starting in 1981. “My goal is to help get state government back on the road to fiscal sanity and sustainable budgets, while protecting our most vulnerable citizens and using my years of experience on the bench to improve our courts and corrections system.”

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